Adding more new icons and new codeing for Race's and abilities
All GM spot are taken so dont ask!
Bleach Overwelming Darkness
BoD Staff:
Main Owner:(T3arror0fD3ath)
Main Owner/Main Coder Ace (Alec94)
Hub Designer/Temp-Coder: Sean(Naruto-Utchiha)& Krus (T3arror0fd3ath)
Mapper/Iconner: Mike(Michael_l_c1994)
Rule 1: No Spamming Of any sort{Booted Twice Third Time Ban For 15 Minutes
Rule 2: No Advertising(IP Bann For One Day)
Rule 3: Respect GMs If Any Complaints Talk to the Owner:Krus(T3arror0fD3ath)
Rule 4: Respect the Host{Banned for day, If Not Respected IP Ban)
Rule 5: Don't Ask For GM If They Are Full{(Mute for 5 Minutes)
Rule 6:All rank Challegnes Must Go Through Owner. If The Spot Isn't Filled Then Its Auto Spot.
GM Rules:
Rule 1: Don't Abuse GM Powers{Power Stripped A Day, Then Fired)
Rule 2: Respect Players{15 Min Banned then GM Loss}
Rule 3: Follow All Rules {Power Strip}
Rule 5: Must Be Able To Be On For At Least 2 Hours Everyday
Rule 6 : GM's cant join a tournament unless its a GM tournament
Captain Commander lvl Req. is 5 Mil
Captain Req lvl is 2 Mil
Leutenant is up to the captain
Vizard Leader is 2 Mil
Vizard Co is up to Vizard Leader
and vizards 1- 10 is up to leader
Quincy Leader is 2 Mil
Inoue Leader is 2 Mil
Bount Leader is 2 Mil
Espada Leader is 2 Mil
Espada Co is up to Espada Leader
and Espada 1-10 is