This is... kind of okay. But it needs a hell of a lot of work to sounds decent. You have a major problem with run-ons, and it looks like you didn't even do a basic spellcheck before you posted it.
Sound*. I'm sure that was a mistake though. Ehh good job on correcting a lot of these things, a lot of this story just feels extremely "awkward" as you said. However, good job Teka the whole concept sounds good, just needs work.
Cut "as" from this sentence. It serves no purpose. Also, get rid of the first comma as it's unnecessary.
This sentence is... awkward. It sounds like an incomplete statement. I think the biggest problem is the "that" in the.
The "blurs before your eyes" line implies the blur is coming from outside the body, while the rest of the line implies it's coming from within. I would change it.
This line is just... bad. I would exclude it or heavily, heavily rewrite it.
Also, the next line is one very long run-on, without a good reason. Cut it up.
"Torn asunder" means, literally, "torn apart" in a "limb-from-limb" sense. If you can still focus, you're still alive, so I get the feeling you want a different phrase here.
I'd break this into a new sentence, and I'd switch "hazy view" to "eyes", as it's not the view that's focusing. Furthermore, it's 'focuses' as 'focus' is not possessing anything.
Break this into a new sentence and rewrite it.
Because of the run-on nature of the paragraph, the first part of this makes no sense and it's hard to realize it ties in with the second part. Once again, make this a new sentence. I'd heavily suggest rewriting the first part, too, as it's not that good.
Glaze over in this context typically means 'lose focus' or 'daze out', not that your eyes literally shut, so they shouldn't be opening again.
Show, don't tell. Cut out the first part entirely. A reader can connect the sounds mentioned before with the creatures shown now. The only time you should to tell the reader something, at least in this case, is if the sound wasn't coming from them, and even then there are better ways than outright telling them. Also, completely cut the second part out. It serves no purpose.
Lastly, while this is a novel use of the word 'sludge', it isn't a very good one. I'd replace it with a more apt word, and also answer the question of why they were moving fast a moment ago and slowly now, when there's no apparent reason.
Firstly, 'though' and 'gazing'. Secondly, why does it become clear? You don't even need to say it's clear. Say what makes it clear.
And here's the why! Just get rid of the previous sentence entirely, and state this, but rewritten slightly to sound better.
Break this into a new sentence.
Put this into a new paragraph.
Once again, you have a big problem with run-ons. Break all this up a lot.
An ellipsis is three dots. Also, the amnesia bit is old and worn out. I'd cut it if you have no good reason. And why was this punishment? You give no reason as why this is punishment instead of a nightmare.
Once again, three dots. And never, ever put this in the same line as your last sentence. That's just... bad.
This is... kind of okay. But it needs a hell of a lot of work to sounds decent. You have a major problem with run-ons, and it looks like you didn't even do a basic spellcheck before you posted it.