What's the deal? It hasn't been hosted for a while now and I'm starting to wonder what happened to it.
Nadrew, are you still hosting it?
I don't see any point in wasting bandwidth hosting if only a few people are going to join.
Could you at least release the host files to the people who still want to play?

I'd say that would only be fair. I mean, some of us love the game and still have memberships active. It would be a shame for MLaaS to die.
Only Skysaw is permitted to release the hosting files to anyone.

So I guess MLaaS is dead then?
Soil wrote:

So I guess MLaaS is dead then?

yeah welcome to the past year or so? =p
Nadrew, could you at least consider hosting it maybe once a month? Maybe twice a month?
soil add [email protected] or [email protected] for aim or msn i need to talk to you