I understand I can use WINE to download appliacations that can only be obtained if your running Windows. My parents have a program that can be found here.

It can on;y be downloaded using Windows. So I open up my Terminal and put it sudo wine ~/Desktop/setupvoipdiscount.exe. It opens it up and begins installing but fails in the end. It let's me open the program but it shuts of right at the start of it. Is there any other program I can use to install this and make it work? Or is there no way of installing this on Lunix.
You don't need to sudo wine. Sudo makes wine run as admin, which is unwanted, and creates problems.
So how would I use Wine to install window applications? First of all, where can I find Wine? I don't see it on my system anywhere. Sorry for these dumb questions, i'm new to this, trying to get used to it.
Well, you use wine, like you did, only don't sudo it. "sudo" basically means 'run as admin'. Although technically it means "Super User Do".

As for this specific program, your going to have to ask somewhere else, most likely. Also, the link you gave is unclickable for some reason.
Ok, it still doesn't work though. Thanks for the help.