All men (and women. And those people that aren't quite either.) can be united together, regardless of creed or colour, by one evil menace that terrorises us all, every day of our lives.

Don't you just hate it when you're washing your hands and the water goes up your sleeve and makes your elbows wet?
Yeah, you're not joking. Although it's not the elbows I care about, it's just my sleeves.

Yeah, the whole wet-sleeve thing is horrid...
I hate it when I wash my hands and my sleeves get wet at all!
...Who the hell washes their hands(we will never unite!)? In Russia, there's no water to wash hands. And the snow washes you.
You must be really goddamn short to have to REACH UP to use the sink.
That or you've been washing your hands in toilet bowls.
AHHH! Wet sleeves, drives me insane unless its a really hot day...
Wet sleeves are bad, then it just gets worse when the sink squirts everywhere.
I hate it when the water splashes over to your pants. :-/
And that is why all moderately intelligent people ROLL UP thier sleeves before washing their hands.
This is why we all need to listen to Randy Newman's "Short People", we won't have blog posts like this.