Keywords: rant
Now, there's a lot of talk going around with people saying. "Give me your password and I'll buy you a membership" or even; "I will make the keys, then give out their passwords". There are many faults to both these approaches.

1: You don't need to be logged into a key to give it a membership. You can buy a membership as a gift to other users. People saying 'give me a password and I'll buy you a membership' are just out to steal your key, which is your BYOND identity.

2: Key association. For those of you who don't know what this is, this is the combination of your IP address and Key to create a list of the keys you use. BYOND uses this system. If I was to login under the key Mobius Evalon, they'd then have Mobius and I under the same association. Effectively, if either of us did something so harsh as to warrant a full BYOND ban designed to stop evasion, the both of us would be caught up in it. This is also why sharing keys is stupidity. (Actually, some of this isn't entirely accurate, there are measures in place to help keep generally stupid people outside of a trolls ban, but they don't always work.)

So, the next time someone asks for your password, tell them to go bugger off. They're lying. And if someone says "I'll register the key and give you the password", tell them to bugger off as well. They're not worth the time or effort to deal with.

Something further, if you see anyone going around in a game claiming their BYOND Staff. They probably aren't. The only time I've seen a staff member claim they were staff was when a troll came in and said he was staff. Which was a horridly funny event. The BYOND staff have no need for your passwords, because they have no need for your keys. Funny thing about system administrators, they could just manually change your password and take the key, asking for it would be a waste of time. Think about it.
kill the women
Bout time someone said this, most people don't listen to crap.
Most people are extremely stupid. I remember for about 3 months there was quite a lot of people that thought I was part of the BYOND staff, and I literally had to plead with them to stop because it was getting to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore. The thought was revived once again when BYOND came out with the new front page and a picture I submitted was added to the collage branding my name on the front page of BYOND, and it seems like having conversations with staff members in public about absolutely nothing also fuels the thought.

I think it's pretty obvious who the staff are, and anybody that can't figure it out on their own has major problems that I doubt anyone on BYOND is licensed to deal with.
Yeah, I had thought the whole "I'm Staff, give me your password" scam had died out, but it seems to have returned in full force.
What I think is funny is that EVERY form of service on the internet that requires a password has the same warning about being asked for the password and then some idiots are still stupid enough to fall for it.
Oh where this world is taking us where such a lack of intelligence is common place. =(
Haha. You would be suprised what some people do for some random persons account.
I'm a BYOND admin, you should all give me your passwords. Quickly!