Still plugging away at Core, today I finally got my cel-shading working, which is pretty cool, but what's more is I've got it set up so I can add more shaders into my tree files. Basically, it'll be like setting variables in BYOND to add shaders to different objects/materials. You should be able to go to the root node for all your objects, set shading = "cel", and have an entirely cel shaded game, just like that. Optionally, you could just set it for certain objects. Very cool.
I've had some help from NeonLare with graphics, and he's getting into Blender modeling now, so he'll be helping develop some games in Core with me. I'll have to get some screenshots out after the models get polished and get to shine in all their cel-shaded glory from within Core.
In more important news, I'm getting married on the 27th. Money has been tight, and it's still tight, but we should be ok. We now have 2 chickens, 2 dogs, about 10 fish, 5 horses, a pony, and about 60 rabbits if you count the litters. Despite it all, the biggest problem is leaving the dogs in the house, as our husky reaps very messy vengeance on those who leave him by himself.