Okay, the weirdest thing happened yesterday. I had some friends over and we were watching TV before we went out. I have DirecTV so when I was changing the station, channel 506 or whatever was showing Star Wars Ep. III (sometimes when the top says a title, it will be a different movie because they mess it up a lot). Well, it was a different movie...but it was not just any movie. It was Die Hard 4! That just came out in the movies like two days ago. What the hell was with that? That is a pretty big mess up. How the hell was that on television? Whatever, I watched like 15 minutes of it then went out. I did not want to ruin the movie since it was in the middle of it.
That is sorta cool,
Sorta fucked up,
Sorta disappointing,
And sorta gonna bite the T.V station in the ass?

Haha, Really funny though I think.
How the hell would the station even get the movie already?
Ha I have DirectTV to, it was on Starz or something.