Well I watched Transformers, and it was terrible. Graphics and such were mediocre, voice acting was terrible and unrealistic, Sheila Buff made it look like a movie for children, and when the auto-bots transformed, it looked like it was made by 2-year olds with some movie editing equipment. Play dough would have looked better. The commercials over-exaggerate the quality of this film. Like showing the best cinematic of a video game in a commercial to make it sell more copies.

I do not suggest watching this movie.

For anyone with common sense... This movie was the best film I've ever seen in my life. If you don't see it, then don't look at me, talk to me, or talk about it. It was AMAZING. It also looked awesome.
Optimus Prime has died before...
lol spoilers <_<
Optimus doesn't die in the movie, Megatron does. Uhhhh, whoops. Guess I just spoiled it for the people who haven't seen it yet =)
I'd like to add that Bumblebee was the stupidest character in the entire movie! He wasn't funny, he didn't kick any ass, and he was basically worthless... Hell, he didn't even look cool!

(Did I do it right, Gotrax?)
He wasn't worthless. He was Shia's transportation :P
Oh, and the love interest was definitely as far from "hot" as you can get... Talk about fugly... And that blonde computer whiz made me turn my head away in revulsion as well...

(Hey! I'm getting better at this!)
Optimus died in the original animated Transformers movie. He was proceeded by Rodimus Prime.
Yeah, then I showed up in the sequel with my home made transformer. I called him Way Hard Willie.
Rodimus Prime kicks ass.
Actually, Optimus prime came back in the series after the movie, he was brought back to "life" as some kind of Zombie but had some control over his actions.

He is made via reprogramming to lead all the autobots into a trap between two stars where they would all die when the stars exploded, but realises what happens and sacrifices himself and saves everyone else. Yayyyy.

Yes I still have transformer videos, yes I am definately not watching the new film in order to keep my elitist perfected view of Transformers.
Optimus Prime is resurrected a lot. =)
Hotshot > Rodimus
Bumblebee > Hot Shot and the other yellow "little brother" variant, Cheetor... They are only placeholders for his mighty character role in his absence from those series...
Beast Wars was annoying. I watched the second episode the other day.

Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!

Seriously, they went through ALL the transformers in that sequence. I'm sitting there thinking "I could be doing so much with my time right now..."

I guess Beast Wars was only cool when I was nine.
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
I'd like to add that Bumblebee was the stupidest character in the entire movie! He wasn't funny, he didn't kick any ass, and he was basically worthless... Hell, he didn't even look cool!

(Did I do it right, Gotrax?)

Very good! :D
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Oh, and the love interest was definitely as far from "hot" as you can get... Talk about fugly... And that blonde computer whiz made me turn my head away in revulsion as well...

(Hey! I'm getting better at this!)

Actually I think the big black guy with the computer guy was fairly attractive...
Tiberath wrote:
Beast Wars was annoying. I watched the second episode the other day.

Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such Terrorise!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!
Such and such maximize!

Seriously, they went through ALL the transformers in that sequence. I'm sitting there thinking "I could be doing so much with my time right now..."

I guess Beast Wars was only cool when I was nine.

Don't pollute my blog with such nonsense. How DARE you miss one "Terrorize"?!
Tiberath wrote:
Optimus died in the original animated Transformers movie. He was proceeded by Rodimus Prime.

Everyone died in the original Transformers movie. It was an Autobot blood bath. =P
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