Haha. After months of being on hiatus, for no reason whatsoever, Heroes is back in production! So as of yesterday, I am back! I just got done retouching and polishing combat. So the combat system is done, expect for when you use powers like Fireball/Earthquake/etc... Just because it's done doesn't mean it's implented into the game however. We have still not decided how we want the stats to work. With the exception of Speed. The speed stat can be anywhere from 0-50 and will affect how fast you can attack. By the way, the attack system wont be ran by macro's. It's in an ongoing loop until someone dies, you choose not to fight anymore, someone runs away from you, or other fight-stopping actions are done =P. I also included blocking which doesn't completely get rid of damage. But yes! More to come in the coming weeks! IceWarriorx and I are back in business!
News with the website coming very soon. I will be hosting in under my domain name most likely as a subdomain at heroes.dession.net.
Anyways! That's enough for now! Keep in touch!
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