Holy crap...that is all I can say.
(Not sure if this is old or not).
http://www.noob.us/miscellaneous/ microsoft-unveils-multi-touch-table-computer/
When does this come out?
I think the coolest thing about it is the object sensor and how the photo just goes into the phone.
Jun 27 2007, 10:14 am
Jun 27 2007, 10:18 am
Microsoft has an official website for it, I can't recall it's name right now though
I just read somewhere that this is coming out in late 2007. Holy crap. I pictured something like this coming out in the year 3100.
This is crazy. =/ |
Crazy how? It's a bunch of simple technology. It's cool looking, yes, but it, as I understand it, sells for $10,000. I wouldn't see a point in spending $1,000. The throwing pictures around thing would require a camera with wireless abilities(I've never seen one that has it) and a bluetooth cellphone that supports image transferes via bluetooth and a bunch of other things like that.
Cool looking, yes, useful, no. |
Um, but isn't it a computer? Like...can't you play video games like Half-Life on it? If not, then I must have mis-understood the purpose of this thing. I thought it was a computer...
Cavern wrote:
Um, but isn't it a computer? Like...can't you play video games like Half-Life on it? If not, then I must have mis-understood the purpose of this thing. I thought it was a computer... Its for noobs who don't know how to use a computer. |
It's for putting in places like bars and restaurants, so people can see pictures of what they're ordering, see what other people have ordered etc. It's also for top secret underground ex-military bunkers being used to clone people as a form of insurance :-P.
The microshit touch or something makes me think their wanting to touch people in naughty places well bill gates is a little weird you know... Just another thing their going to make to ruin the world and make people stupid..
http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/20/ microsoft-surface-one-day-your-computer-will-be-a-big-ass-ta ble/
"It's not the iPhone, it's a big ass table" |