Keywords: miscellaneous
[updated 2007-0627: Abhishake caught a spelling error. There should be a space between Dragon and Ball.]

Good evening, BYONDers! On this, the 125th anniversary of the creation of BYOND, it is fitting that we should take stock of where we are and where we are headed. In truth, the stock-taking has already been done by the high moguls of BYOND; here, therefore, is the result.

Sorry if that sounded a bit florid. What can I say? BYOND's 125th anniversary only comes once, so I thought it would be proper to use a little highfalutin' language. This site, Dream Makers, is the spiritual successor to BYONDscape. When BYONDscape launched, BYOND was a very different project, and many of the assumptions that went into BYONDscape's creation have been disproven or outright beat down by history. Now that we have a pretty slick blog/guild system in place, it makes sense to take advantage of it, so here you are:

* Dream Makers is focused solely on developers. For players, there are already many official and unofficial guilds in place.

* We're starting out with three editors (Lummox JR and Hiead are the other two) and may add more as time goes by.

* We've set up a regular posting schedule, and BYOND's powers-that-be will chastise us if we don't adhere to it.

* Like BYONDscape, Dream Makers will be free for BYOND Members (and much of the content will be free to non-members); but unlike BYONDscape, Dream Makers won't be taking a cut of BYOND's revenues. Contributors will still be entitled to free parking outside of the BYOND Corporate Center, but no one ever visits there, nor should they.

BYONDscape will remain up and running for the foreseeable future, but it won't get new updates. They'll all go here instead. We'll be porting over much of BYONDscape's old content, but we'll be posting fresh new stuff as well.

That about sums it up! Check in here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for new or recycled content. (Or try every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, since we might post in the evening.) Thank you all for your support of BYOND, and please wish us all luck in this new endeavor. To thank you for reading this far, I've posted some rare tidbits of historical interest below!

The original "Blue Book" was actually a tract handed out by street-corner preachers.

All you needed was a bit of technical skill and a friend who worked in a telegraph office.

Old-fashioned keys. From left to right: MrDaniel; MrThomas; LamentedRonald; ScandalousAdventuress; IHeartilyEnjoyKraftDinner; ElephantHunter.

Robert Louis Stevenson's 1883 Treasure Island map, the reigning king of fan-game maps until the advent of Dragon Ball Z.

The seasons have changed(I saw this preacher on tv last Tuesday when I was in Florida talk about the seasons changing)! A new season has turned for the developers of BYOND! Away with the old, and in with the new!
So this means no more payouts to calculate? That's a shame...
I dislike how you've written DragonBall Z when it is actually Dragon Ball Z. The logo doesn't make it very clear but go on and read what the window says for the easiest form of proof.