Burden of proof, Solbadguy.

But I'll give you some stuff:

This is the big passage from Josephus:
"Now there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works - a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was the Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named after him, are not extinct at this day."

Which seems to provide startling corrobation.

Except, this guy was writing for the romans. Who, at the time, were not particularly fond of Christianity. That passage is far, far too glowing to have been written by anyone with roman patronage, particularly someone who still had roman patronage afterwards. Furthermore, Josephus was writing for a roman audience, and they wouldn't have a clue what 'the Christ' meant. He doesn't use the term anywhere else, either.

There are various other reasons, but basically, the passage is clearly an interpolation.

The Gospels mention the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. This happened in 70. Conclusion - the Gospels are older then 70.

Looking into it, Tacitus was writing around 115 - which is still far, far too late. What were his sources? Probably contemporary Christian sources - because there's no real evidence that the romans kept detailed records of all their crucifixions, and Rome had burnt down in the meantime.

Conclusion - there are no first-hand accounts of Jesus' life.
Jp wrote:
Burden of proof, Solbadguy.

But I'll give you some stuff:

This is the big passage from Josephus:
"Now there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works - a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was the Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named after him, are not extinct at this day."

Which seems to provide startling corrobation.

Except, this guy was writing for the romans. Who, at the time, were not particularly fond of Christianity. That passage is far, far too glowing to have been written by anyone with roman patronage, particularly someone who still had roman patronage afterwards. Furthermore, Josephus was writing for a roman audience, and they wouldn't have a clue what 'the Christ' meant. He doesn't use the term anywhere else, either.

There are various other reasons, but basically, the passage is clearly an interpolation.

The Gospels mention the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. This happened in 70. Conclusion - the Gospels are older then 70.

Looking into it, Tacitus was writing around 115 - which is still far, far too late. What were his sources? Probably contemporary Christian sources - because there's no real evidence that the romans kept detailed records of all their crucifixions, and Rome had burnt down in the meantime.

Conclusion - there are no first-hand accounts of Jesus' life.

Actually no, the burden of proof is on you.

At that time period there were hundreds if not thousands of people claiming to be the Messiah. Where are all their records? THEY MUST NOT HAVE EXISTED LOLOLOLOLOL.

No, the fact that we have a surviving testament to his existence in the bible and Josephus' and other accounts makes it hundreds of times more probable that he existed than he didn't. At that time he was just one in a million(until Constantine[?] adopted his religion), any writings about him should lead any logical thinker without bias to realize that this guy probably existed.

No, the burden of proof is on you, it's much more probable that he existed than he didn't. By your logic billions of people didn't exist because we have no records of them. Go ahead and try to prove that the bible is one giant conspiracy theory by a bunch of authors who didn't actually believe what they wrote. Prove to me why they wouldn't give up their conspiracy after they were persecuted by the lions and thrown in the Coliseum, if they were making the shit up.

Burden of proof is on us, what a load of bullshit. Prove he didn't exist.
The burden of proof is on the person making a positive claim, until they have some evidence.

There are no first hand accounts of Jesus' existence.

Read that again - NONE. Not a single one.

I think it's fairly damn obvious who has the burden of proof.

Now, for your more specific claims:

1 - Read what I wrote again. Josephus almost certainly did not write that. Josephus didn't mention Jesus once. He does mention someone called 'Chrestus', once, but he puts Chrestus' execution at a different time, and Chrestus is a different name to Christ. This is probably one of the millions of messianic pretenders.

2 - The people who wrote the new testament universally wrote well after Jesus' supposed death. In short, they didn't 'make it up', it came from another source - look up 'syncretism'.

3 - We know that there were lots of people being very messianic around that particular time because there are accounts of such a thing. There aren't very many individual accounts, however. Which means that it's clear that some people were around claiming to be the Messiah - but if you gave me an individual, and said "This guy, Bob, he claimed to be the messiah. Yeah, he did this, and that, and the other" my conclusion would be that 'Bob' didn't exist until you could provide me with specific evidence for Bob's existence.

In short, go get some fucking evidence before you make yourself look even more stupid.
ah does it really matter?

Christianity has enough flaws without needing to prove whether or not Christ actually existed.

There probably was a guy like Jesus, who was just very wise and knew how to trick people into thinking he was amazing. Stories tend to get exaggerated.

I thought they had dug up some stuff a few years ago, like pointing to a Mary, Jesus, and Joseph. Not too sure though. But then again those were very popular names at the time.
Some more idiocy from the DARIUS person.

ok what i ment by that was you have nothin to believe in as far as where do u think u go when you die?do u think you have no soul and all of your thoughts are just their by chance?do you think whe u die u have no final destination?do u beleive your very essence is just reduced to dust and u just disapear? im sorry but you atheist demons are saddly mistakin if you think like that i prey god has mercy on your souls
uh, lots of us go into a casket which is then put into a concrete vault under fucking ground
Hm, it would have been better if you were a little more assaultive with the lesser caste idea, possibly mentioning how infinitesimal a lower caste must be, what with his current scum level. =)
I'd be surprised if the idiot even knew what a caste is.
Religions confuses me. Yet as one person said "It feels better to know just incase if there is a god you will be on his/her side and if there is not one you have nothing to worry about" yet I am a christian even though I question my religion alot. The idea I was brought up on was "you do not question your religion" I honestly go to church and all of that stuff yet I still wonder, it seems like the church use the fear of going to hell to get more members. But still I wonder if there is a god why would he send me to hell if I was just not sure. Very confusing. Oh and since I am just 14 I can't really just tell my parents "no I think being a [religious group] is dumb" Yeah so I am pretty boned till I am about 18 and then I will be able to make my own dicisions
Pascal's wager - That's the argument "If you believe in god and there is one you're fine, don't believe in god and there is one you're screwed, therefore its a better bet to believe in God" - is inherently flawed.

For starters - there is an infinite variety of gods. And lots of them want to be exclusive. You can't believe in them all - who to pick?

Furthermore, the probability of some gods existing is 0, in which case the reward for believing in them is irrelevant.

Further-furthermore, any god worth worshipping wouldn't condemn you to infinite torture for justified scepticism.
BlueFireX wrote:
Oh and since I am just 14 I can't really just tell my parents "no I think being a [religious group] is dumb" Yeah so I am pretty boned till I am about 18 and then I will be able to make my own dicisions

If your parents are going to condemn you for not wanting to be in religious group x, or not liking religious group y, then they are douchebags.
There is proof that Jesus Christ lived, there just is no proof about the "miricles he done".
Once again, Howey - WHAT PROOF. Please, provide some. Seriously, I'm all eyes.
These quotes are some of the many reasons why I am starting to utterly despise christianity. Especially the fundamentalists...

"If a homosexual youth reads this post they should be aware that they are heading for hell if they don't repent and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. That is real love"

"Hey dumb shit... Go outside tonight and look up into the fucking sky. Now really try very hard to explain both "infinite space" and "eternal time". You can't do it can you? Where is your so-called "evidence" to explain these mysteries? And you dare to deny the existence of a Creator? You pathetic asshole! Now get on your fucking knees and ask God to forgive you for mocking Him."

"Athiest: I can't see god, therefore he doesn't exist

Me to Athiest: I can't see your brain, therefore you don't have one."

"Thats why JESUS is so amazing,he gives you a choice!

Choose JESUS and eternal life or hell."

"Those on the Evolution side use their education to bully those who didn't study science. They think they are cute, but they really come across as bullies throwing around scientific terms those on the Creationist side do not understand. "

"You might look up the term "monotheist" sometime. I don't think anyone other than an atheist has faith in more than one "God".

"Because the Harry Potter books are a powerful lure for children. Children should be studying the bible instead of reading stories that can be percieved as paganism. I think it might even break a commandment if you take it far enough."

"Insofar as the native Americans are concerned, let us not forget that during the great flood of Noah's day, ALL, except those 8 who were aboard the ark, were destroyed! This means that the native Americans were the direct descendants of Noah, and at some point in time their forefathers were exposed to the TRUTH which would have saved them, had they elected, of their own volition, to heed and obey."

"Have you ever seen the horror of the suffering which Hitler inflicted upon the Jews during World War II? Have you ever paused to reflect upon WHY God would allow such pain, suffering and death to be inflicted upon these descendants of Abraham? Well, I have, and each time I see TV footage which shows their efflictions I am reminded of the words of their ancestors, who many years ago, at the time when they cried out for Pilate to impose the sentence of death upon our Lord, they explicitly stated: "Let his blood be upon us, AND ON OUR CHILDREN." (Matthew 27:25) Is this not further evidence which supports my assertion that the sins of our forefathers are heaped upon their descendants? After all, it was their words which condemned them, and we see the results of their rejection of our Lord being meted out upon their descendants. Hitler just happened to be the instruments through which such destruction came."

"God creates Earth, Man, Animals, etc. in one week. Yet the Book makes no mention of the dinosaurs. Perhaps they could be included under the classification of animals, but even if that is true there is still a problem. From what we can tell, dinosaurs existed 230 million years ago, while humans have only existed for 200,000 years. So how could both have been created in the same week?

Here are some possible explanations I have come up with. I don't necessarily believe these either, but they would fix things.

1. Satan created the fossils to cause controversy over the Bible's credibility.

2. The fossils are actually no more than bone like rocks.

3. A week span during the creation of Earth was much longer than what we now record as a week. For example, perhaps each day then would be equal to 32 million years by how we measure time and after that, days became the length they are today.

4. Scientists who study fossils are wrong in their calculations and the dinosaur fossils are indeed no older than human fossils.

So what do you guys think?"
'member guyz, jeesus <3's u, even after sentencing you to hell for all of eternity. hes mai heroooooooooo
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