You all fail.
If u dont want it ill put your source code to good use i cant find any iconers or coders at this point so i would appreciate the help.
Arrancarperson2 wrote:
If u dont want it ill put your source code to good use i cant find any iconers or coders at this point so i would appreciate the help.

Good use my ass.

My dog eats poo, may i have yours?
Shunsui Kyoraku wrote:
Your game is the best game ive ever played and i would like to make a game just like yours but no iconers or coders
so i am here to ask u to plz give source code plz contact at
i would really appreciate it

Please, tell me, are your kidding? With as much work Vincent, or even anyone else who made a game from scratch with hard work, will not give you any source codes. It's not easy making a large-scaled game, especially from scratch.

Also noticed the post date? Last year, almost, this was made.

And red text on blue bg = Sucks
GhostAnime wrote:
Also noticed the post date? Last year, almost, this was made.

And red text on blue bg = Sucks

lol, I forgot to edit this part. Indeed it does suck. Is this even blue? looks like its got some more lavender violetish tint to it.
Makes no diff his game has better icons and coding. Well atleast icons as far as I'm concerned.
Urahara_Lover Wrote:

I really do enjoy playing your Bleach Online game, thee only thing that I don't like about it... I would have to say would be, how in the world does the computer chose the Zampakto's? I've ended up with Wabiska every time... I've even chosen different settings like strength and things like that... IDK, could you comment me back please?
Masterdan wrote:
DR4G0NKING56 wrote:
Can i have bleach source code plz u can contact me at or

you, are, asking...for trouble.

*resists urge to prank call*

like your game it's the best xD ill mack you lvl 7 GM if you come on my bleach server but i need to wait till i get the host files
or i mite mack you co-host
can i have the bleach Soc source i want to revive a good game, contact me @ ill be waiting for the email
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