I've been working on how to make the grass and other turf look more realistic. Thanks to Scooberts Demo on Pixel Grass, it came true. I tweaked it a little but thanks a lot Scoobert. Very neat demo.

Here was the first screenshot of the grass:

RPG - First Screenshot.png

Here was the second one when I started to tweak it:

RPG - Second Screenshot.png

And here is the final result I think:

RPG - Third Screenshot.png

Tell me what you think? I'm currently trying to make it duller, thanks to the helpful tip from Javster. Is there anything else I can fix?
It looks fine.
Tiling = Evil
Thanks Drakiel and I agree Popisfizzy.
I like the second one the most.
The third one is quite nice. It comes close-ish to having an appearance of actual blades of grass, though your best bet would be to actually "grow" some strands to develop a grass tile. The only problem with that is, it mostly doesn't allow you to use the random choice of 3 or 4 icon states as you're using now, but instead requires the use of just one tile. There might be ways around that but you'd still have to have uniformity at the borders.
you can try actually making grass and not settling for something that looks like you ran it through a photoshop noise filter
i like how its going