
The judging for the Building contest is complete, and thanks to TheMonkeyDidIt, we have a pretty little judging overview. The winners will get their prizes as soon as we discuss amongst ourselves who is buying whos.

D4RK3 54B3R
Iain Peregrine

Will all be receiving memberships for their entries.

Sorry about the wait everyone, I just haven't very much time at all to compile something like monkey did for the winners.
Wow I wish I would have entered, I would have done better than the non-winning people. D: first two are very impressive...
I think that pokething beat Pagemaster's entry by a long shot..
First 2 are excellent. The 3rd is good, but the roof...bothers me.

Elation's made me laugh, Iain's was pretty good (although small), Smiker's pokecenter was pretty good, and Moose's weird geometric shaped house things are pretty cool.

Meh. Kinda wished I had got mine done so you guys would have one more entry. I was going to to post anyway when I finished, but it died along with my hdd.
Konamix wrote:
I think that pokething beat Pagemaster's entry by a long shot..

I agree.

If you guys didn't notice Smiker already won with his house thing, He also made the pokecenter.
Oh. I guess it pays to pay attention.
1 is great. 2 is good, but there seems to be some perspective issues. Looking at some of the entries, I could have easily been listed, had I tried, but I couldn't have hoped to get in the top 3.
I was aware of the perspective issues with the ducts in my piece. I never got around to fixing them. x_x

Also, I think #2, Smiker's house, is better than my piece. <_<
The lighting and detail in yours, D4rk3 54b3r(That's hard to type), is just great. It has a lot of small details that really did you a lot of good in the points. I noticed the ducts being a little off, but I figured it was just a lighting issue.
Uh...I cant see smikers pokecenter. It has a square and a red x in it...
Yay! Internet Explorer! Yay!

Uh...still cant see the pokecenter...

EDIT now i seen pokecenter...and it equals=WOW
After the conversation I had with someone (I forget who) I thought I wasn't entered in the contest. I've very grateful to the judges on their feedback.
Iain's would have looked a lot better with a shadow.
25% more colors just to add a shadow!? :P