Digimon Legends

by Liight
Digimon Legends
A fun Digimon game using an isomatric map!
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Status: Resolved

This issue has been resolved.
I heard that not all Digimons have In training form. If this is true, please give me a list of those Digimons so I can add them to the game.
The ones that come off the top of the head are these lines:

elecmon -> leomon -> panjyamon -> saberleomon
tsukaimon -> ninjamon -> musayamon -> gaiomon
(Note: Gaiomon may be Asuramon, can't remember. You set his in-training as Kuramon, who's actually one of Keramon's possible in-trainings)
Floramon -> Kiwimon -> Sinduramon -> Gryphmom
Kunemon -> Flymon -> DinoBeemon -> GrandisKuwagamon

Thank you thank you very much. XD
All lines done except tsukaimon line. Couldnt find Ninjamon sprite. Need more Digis like these ;D bring them on Kurei
Liight resolved issue