So on Saturday I went on the computer at like 10:40 PM. Around 11:00 PM I turned away from my computer and was staring into space when suddenly I saw some sort of bright light in my vision. It was the sort of thing you see after looking at a bright light. So I thought it'd go away in a few seconds or something but it persisted. I ignored it and carried on with the computer except the light was actually blocking out bits of the computer screen. I got scared and went into my room and waited for it to go away. It still wouldn't go though, by now roughly 5 mins had passed, so I turned off the lights and sat there in darkness. I could see the light even brighter than before since it was dark now. So I woke up my mum, who's a doctor, and she got pretty worried about my eyes. She doesn't know much about eyes though since that's not her field in medicine but yeah. So anyway roughly 15 mins after the problem started, the light went away.
I went to get it checked out today by some big time doctor person. I had to get up at 6:30 AM to get to my 8 AM appointment which was absolutely ridiculous I thought but yeah. The doctor did a bunch of tests and eventually diagnosed stuff. For those who haven't read my DeathAwaitsU blogs, or who don't have a good enough memory, you should know that I see stuff floating around. This is caused by proteins in the liquid stuff in your eye (called the humour) solidifying and everyone gets it, it's just that some people are more aware of it than others.
So anyway, the doctor says that the light was caused by a migraine. Since when did you get migraines in your eye? But anyway it seemed convincing because he said he's had it himself and he thought it was brain cancer or something. He said the floaters are just natural. But he also diagnosed that I have hole in my retina. The retina is the part of your eye which light actually hits. I think it converts light into electrical impulses, by rods and cones on your retina, and the impulses are carried into your optic nerve which goes into your brain to be processed. Right so holes in your retina can lead to retina detachment which probably means you're going to be blind. Luckily it's treatable but I don't actually have retina detachment and there's only a 1/100 chance of it happening he said.
He also said that there's no point in treating the holes in my retina because it's more likely that it'll lead to more problems than solve the minor risk.
Just thought I'd share that story with people.
Jun 15 2007, 4:03 am
I've had problems with my eyes too, so I know how you feel.
Sometimes I get this weird fuzzy circle (like snow on a TV) appearing in my vision, that slowly (over about an hour) expands as a giant ring and emcompasses my entire vision, before expanding so far that it just leaves my vision, as such. It's tiring to look at and really strange. |
Sounds like a simple migraine.
Happens to me, I begin to not see straight forward, then my phereprearirl(typed random letters close to the spelling) vision goes completely white as well, then I feel like I have Diahreah(sp, sorry I don't type that word much) but usually I don't, and finally I throw up and feel better, the end :D |
Elation wrote:
I've had problems with my eyes too, so I know how you feel. Seven days... Have you tried adjusting your ears for better satellite reception? |
Wrong shape. My ears are spikey, like an elves- it lends itself to a poor TV signal, but it's great for hearing the word of the Gods.
Especially when standing in Hyrule Square. On that wooden platform above the SELL ME SOMETHING WITH C* beggar guy. Yeah. *C. C. SELL ME SOMETHING WITH C. |
A hole in your retina must surely suck, maybe it's letting you see more than just visible light! You can be the one-eyed savior-man!