Well..Where should I begin to kick off this week's Teka Co. post..
Quite a few games to cover in this one..
And if you haven't tried Wargames, I recommend playing it, should be worth some time, and the sequel is on it's way! Also I got a chance to test out Xeal's untitled project 69, which we recentlycame up with a name for..Imperium! I was the first one besides him to officially play it. Also there's good'ol Progeny...Now to all you Progeny fans waiting out there, word from Weaver is that he's been busy with tests and such and plans to hit the deadline
closer to the END of June. Now for the game I'd like to focus on today..I recently got a chance to test this game a couple other lucky people. Every now and then it's nice to find a game that's a break from the dragonball rips in BYOND..and this was just that..The Naked Ninja's Fighters of Legend was more interactive and thought out than most of the dragonball games you see nowadays. The HUD's more interactive and macro-based than the rest of the games out there..and the game's training system is completely unique...I think this is what BYOND meant to add when it opened up the Anime Guild. And now for a crapload of screenshots..one is from Imperium and the rest are from FoL.
Post your thoughts and have a nice day!
*Side Note* Both Imperium and FoL looked pretty stable, I wish I would've took more time to checkout Wargames 2...but I'll check that out in a future post...Anyways..I'm actually still in FoL while writing this post..the combat is greater than your average dragonball game...and as for Imperium...If xeal finishes this then It'll be the greatest and maybe ONLY thing he's ever released...Go xeal?
Jun 11 2007, 4:00 pm
Jun 11 2007, 4:09 pm
Omg, why'd you tell them I let you test.
<--- Jealous.
We need to get you some better screenshots for the game too, hopefully you review again when it's beta. |