
Poll: Whats Ur favorite old Mario Game

Mario Bros./duck hunt 13% (11)
Mario Bros.2 2% (2)
Mario Bros.3 14% (12)
Super Mario World 15% (13)
Super Mario Allstars 4% (4)
Yoshi's Island 1% (1)
Dr. Mario 0% (0)
Mario 64 6% (5)
Mario Kart - Snes 1% (1)
Mario Kart 64 2% (2)
Super Smash Bros - 64 25% (21)
Mario Party 1-3 64 7% (6)
None 6% (5)

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if not listed post in topic!
Add Super Smash Bros Melee for Gamecube... thats the best game evahhh
Super Mario RPG for SNES. <3
super mario world !!
Donkey Kong!

: )
Subzero1 wrote:
Add Super Smash Bros Melee for Gamecube... thats the best game evahhh

Not a Mario Game

Anyways, Super Mario 3
Super Smash Bros OWNZ ALL
But i also love mario 64 lol ma 1st ever game
super smash bros is a mario game considering it has mario in it
Teen Goku 17 wrote:
super smash bros is a mario game considering it has mario in it

Is Mario the mascot? No. (The mascot is infact Nintendo itself)

Is Mario the main character? No. (There are many many of them)

Therefore, it is NOT a Mario game. If it did end up skewed towards one character, it would likely be Kirby, as SSB was made by the people who make Kirby games.
Teen Goku 17 wrote:
super smash bros is a mario game considering it has mario in it

So is it a Pokemon game because it has a Pikachu,yet no mudkips?
And is it a racing game because Captain Falcon is in it?
And it's also a Zelda game, a Star Fox game, an Earthbound game, and a Donkey Kong game...

And Brawl will also become a Kid Icarus game and a Metal Gear game!
i count it as all of them cause all the commpanies helped in making it so we are considering it mario done like it o well
Wooooo, Super Mario World!
How could you forget Super Mario RPG? D:

Also, Mario Paint ^_^
Duck hunt had to be some of the funnest shit I have experienced in my teenage life.