This post is just to show off a few new additions that I added, don't mind some of the new turfs that look repetitive however, they will be varied come beta-testing.
( Here's me charging a Kamehameha beam )
( And me firing the beam at my adversary )
( Some changes have been made to the current beam-battle system )
( Some training games have been added too, this is the one to increase dexterity. Similar to the game whack-a-mole )
( And for training intelligence, you play a game similar to Memory )
Well that's all I have for now, make sure to attend the alpha-testing session on Monday night. I also wish to share that Monday's session will also be the last open testing before we get into closed beta.
P.S: Make sure to fill out my poll, if you have any other ideas for training games, be sure to share them!