Keywords: artist, dbz, fol, game, icon
First I'm going to start by stating the next deadline for open testing. The next testing session is scheduled for Monday at 8:00 EST and this session will cover the complete basics of gameplay. This will include transformations, combat handling, item handling, quest handling, training, and raw character customization.

Secondly, with the amount of work needed to progress further in actual game development, I'm looking to recruit some help in the graphical area. This would include mostly turf graphics, with some possible help with mob icons. Turfs however are my main priority, and I am definitely a mediocre artist in this field.

If you think you can help, throw some examples of your work either on here as a reply, in our forums, or AOL instant message me at NakedNinjaX.

Either way the game is comming along smoothly, and I'd definitely like to thank [doesn't want name mentioned] for the server donation come beta-testing.
Sounds totally awesome dud, may I request a custom technique available only to me when I us extreme reverse deadpan sarcasm to kill off the Grue mob's that are gonna be in soon kthnx.