BYOND games are organised into guilds, both official and unofficial. Each game within a guild has a Guild Member Rank. This rank is determined by the favourite games of guild members.
Games within a guild also have a Guild Staff Rank, which (as the name suggests) is set by guild staff. This is less important than the Guild Member Rank; in fact, in some guilds the Staff rank is chosen quite arbitrarily. When someone talks about a game's rank, they will usually be talking about its Guild Member Rank.
To contribute towards a game's Guild Member Rank, first join that guild. Then add the game to your list of favorite games. The higher you place a game on your list, the more points you contribute towards that game's rank.
Only paying BYOND Members can join guilds and have a list of favorite games, so only BYOND Members can affect Guild Member Ranks. If you're not a BYOND Member, become one today to gain this privilege along with a bunch of other features.
Why doesn't my game have a Guild Member Rank?
If nobody has listed a game in their favourites, then it will not have a Guild Member Rank.
I added a game to my favorites and its Guild Member Rank didn't improve! Why not?
There are a few possible explanations for this:
- Sometimes there will be a delay before game ranks are updated all over the site. Wait a few hours and look again.
- If you have more than 10 favorite games, games that come after the first 10 do not contribute towards rankings.
- If you're not a member of a guild which lists the game, then your vote will not count towards the game's rank within that guild.
- Your vote alone may not be sufficient to improve the game's ranking. For example, if 30 people have ranked Game A as their #1 favorite game, and 20 people have ranked Game B as their #1 favorite game, then Game A will still rank above Game B even if you rank Game B at #1.
- Did you add the game to your favorites properly? Look on your Members page to make sure the game is listed there.
How do I rank a game (add it to my favorites list)?
First make sure you're logged in, and that the account you're logged into has a BYOND Membership.
The easiest way to do this is to visit the game's hub page. You should see a link entitled "Add to your favorites". Click it and the game will be added to your favorites list.
How do I remove or re-order my favorite games?
Edit your Members site. Your list of favorite games is shown on the left hand side of the page.
To remove a game, click the "remove" link next to the game's name.
To re-order a game, use the drop-down list of numbers next to the game's name to choose its new position.