I added two rips to the list, so now it's pretty much underway. I'm learning a little html all over again just for this. wooh -_-

The first addition is Naruto Birth of the Legendary Shinobi, by Goditz. Everyone knows by now that this is a rip of Naruto: Way of the Shinobi, by Axerob.

The second is Dragonball Shuurajou, by Vegetassj9. You'll find out that this one's a thinly disguised rip of Dragonball Online Classic, by DBO Team, which Legendary Goku 10 is now in charge of. It also uses alot of icons and such from an old leak of Dragonball Online II. Legendary Goku 10, the head of the DBO2 project, has confirmed that this game is a rip of his and his team's work.

Stop the Rips.
lol DBO II rip and it isnt even out yet for constant play. thats keeping the lid on things.. hope it dosnt contain the new gfx ive seen there useing cause i'd personaly be pi**ed with the rips as the gfx they have made are truely wicked and probs to them for actuly proveing u can do ur own gfx details insted of having thhose god forsaken cheep imatation gba copies..

Yurgeta wrote:
lol DBO II rip and it isnt even out yet for constant play. thats keeping the lid on things.. hope it dosnt contain the new gfx ive seen there useing cause i'd personaly be pi**ed with the rips as the gfx they have made are truely wicked and probs to them for actuly proveing u can do ur own gfx details insted of having thhose god forsaken cheep imatation gba copies..


They pretty much used our old source that was leaked *since then we started over and this happened back last fall* so the dbo2 im working on hasnt been leaked. But the things that i really want them to remove are our spirit bomb, and powerup rock effects.

i logged in to there game as

I_HATE_RIPS_!!! lol.. was board this morning.. and to be honisist i logged back out, 1, u start on a planet with nothing to assist you.. and no NPC to direct u to a means on getting offetc.. i know it sounds stupied but, if ur new u expext something to be explained.. im suprised i didnt get kicked lol.. but i say the Sprit Bomb.. and that is no Ordanary thing.. especial the anamted feature of the energy being pulled into it.. and its MASSIVE.. not many games achive that kind of status unless its well Worked on.. and u can tell this isnt well worked on as its player icon is basicly just "Flat" small and scrony.. but thats byond for you.. even the aura icon was cheep.. didnt even flow. it jurked.. i hope u can acive to have it removed from there game myself, but its hard to prove it unless there is a staff byonder who can comparethe codes.. from both games etc. which is time wasteing etc and very doubtfull.. and the more ur pissed about it,the more likely there to keep it.. as it annoys you..

Also.. im adding ur DBOII to my byond. im impressed withthe screenshots u posted on PixelArt.. i wouldnt mind checking it out whenits up eaither.. sso dont forget to let me knowplz dude..
Yurgeta wrote:
i logged in to there game as

I_HATE_RIPS_!!! lol.. was board this morning.. and to be honisist i logged back out, 1, u start on a planet with nothing to assist you.. and no NPC to direct u to a means on getting offetc.. i know it sounds stupied but, if ur new u expext something to be explained.. im suprised i didnt get kicked lol.. but i say the Sprit Bomb.. and that is no Ordanary thing.. especial the anamted feature of the energy being pulled into it.. and its MASSIVE.. not many games achive that kind of status unless its well Worked on.. and u can tell this isnt well worked on as its player icon is basicly just "Flat" small and scrony.. but thats byond for you.. even the aura icon was cheep.. didnt even flow. it jurked.. i hope u can acive to have it removed from there game myself, but its hard to prove it unless there is a staff byonder who can comparethe codes.. from both games etc. which is time wasteing etc and very doubtfull.. and the more ur pissed about it,the more likely there to keep it.. as it annoys you..

Also.. im adding ur DBOII to my byond. im impressed withthe screenshots u posted on PixelArt.. i wouldnt mind checking it out whenits up eaither.. sso dont forget to let me knowplz dude..

Will do man. Ill probably announce our next test on the member page. Im adding your key to my pager aswell. Anyhow, i logged into the game and faced the same problem. they had spacepods there that didnt even work. just one big LOG spaceship. *as you can see in my little display pic there. thats dbo2's spirit bomb state.*