Christ. My dad did that too, only it didn't break the light on the ceiling (he hit like a metal bit on it or something) but it did leave a mark on my Wiimote... so I don't let him play anymore.
Hazman wrote:
Did your Nintendo Approved Wii Remote Strap malfunction? Or did you just not bother to wear it? Hmmm? Neither. It never left my hand. That ceiling fan is really in prime position. We'll either have to be much more careful (and move to the side) or maybe we'll just replace it with a regular light. |
Hazman, where you typing FireFox or Firefox in Firefox? Clearly, your post suggests you typed Firefox, but my copy of Firefox doesn't have any problem with it. FireFox, however, is considered a miss spelling.
Also, Mike, watch them hands. I'll leave my gaming safe in my hands, which normally rest in my lap, where they are very unlikely to meet Mr.Fan. |
The most I've done so far is hit a light that like spreads out with multiple light fixtures, so when you hit it, it rotates :)
So nothing broke, but my hand hurt for a few days. |
Don't be too enthusiastic with those remotes. A simple flick of the wrist will work better than a full fledged swing.
Enjoy your Wii! I just got Pro in Wii Tennis last week ^_^ |
Yikes! My fiance has accidentally smacked me in the nose a few times during games of Wii tennis... but we haven't broken anything yet.
Sounds like someone didn't read his health and safety manual. =P
Give yourself plenty of room. You will probably move around while using the Wii Remote, so be careful that all areas that you might move into are clear. Make sure that furniture, objects and people are out of the play area so you don’t accidentally bump into them while playing. Also, as indicated in the Wii Operations Manual, it is recommended to stay at least three (3) feet from the television. |
SilkWizard wrote:
Yikes! My fiance has accidentally smacked me in the nose a few times during games of Wii tennis... but we haven't broken anything yet. Aside from your nose. :p |
Well, now I guess you learned your lesson. Isn't it in the bible that one should not play with his Wii?
(why does Firefox not recognise 'Wii' as a word? Or 'Firefox'?)