Why do you gotta annoy me so badly?!
Stop staring at me!!
I'm just looking for posters of a real movie, not some pubic thing were Alan Rickman dances around in a skirt (from what i've heard).
Spare me!
It's everywhere i look!!
Is there any way to avoid harry potter?
Please tell me...
Couse the last place that i thought that was safe was a sexshop, but they're selling a inflatable dummy of him now!
(including elecktronic pump, dick has a zipper so you can insert in a dildo).
Please stop the Harry Potter Madness!
What's so awesome about a pubic kid saying "Flipendo" or whatever it is all the time!
Anybody help me?!
PS: Sorry for this entirly nonsense complaining post, no offence to J.K. Rowling, crew of the HP movies, or fans of HP.
PS2: Good gamingsystem, however Xbox is way better.. nice to play DVD's on though..
Aug 13 2005, 12:22 pm