This is obviously a prank. The thing is, I don't think he messaged anyone other than Sqeegy and I, due to nobody saying so in my last post about this guy/girl/fbi agent. I would imagine that this guy/girl/fbi agent would target more popular/important BYOND members, or at least more people. I'm guessing he only managed to find our 2 screen names via trolling without using the search bar, or specifically IMed us for some odd reason (or no reason at all). Heres a conversation I had with Sqeegy. He routinely updated me on the conversation as it happened.

[20:22] Spade489: Hey Sqeeg-o
[20:24] smirt45: SS13
[20:24] Spade489: Nebar!
[20:24] *** smirt45 wants to directly connect.
[20:25] *** smirt45 is now directly connected.
[20:25] smirt45: narutofanboy1337 (5:21:45 PM): hey
narutofanboy1337 (5:22:40 PM): hey gay boy
narutofanboy1337 (5:22:47 PM): omg wow
Smirt45 (5:29:14 PM): hai narutard

Smirt45 (5:29:17 PM): howz ur iq of 2

narutofanboy1337 (5:23:31 PM): omh dyug

narutofanboy1337 (5:23:36 PM): *omg stop

Smirt45 (5:29:36 PM): cant spell stop right lol

narutofanboy1337 (5:23:46 PM): why u makin fun of nartro?

narutofanboy1337 (5:24:06 PM): i cant spell howZ rite

narutofanboy1337 (5:24:12 PM): gay biu

narutofanboy1337 (5:24:15 PM): *boi

narutofanboy1337 (5:24:24 PM): stop makin fun of naruto

Smirt45 (5:30:17 PM): u just wish i would be gay with u

narutofanboy1337 (5:24:35 PM): otherwise mi and goditz will jump u

Smirt45 (5:30:31 PM): Lol.

Smirt45 (5:30:37 PM): A rock could beat up Goditz.
[20:25] Spade489: XD
[20:25] Spade489: He messaged you too?
[20:25] smirt45: yup
[20:25] Spade489: narutofanboy1337 (5:23:46 PM): why u makin fun of nartro?
[20:26] smirt45:
narutofanboy1337 (5:24:50 PM): maybe

narutofanboy1337 (5:24:53 PM): but not me

Smirt45 (5:31:40 PM): Lol.

Smirt45 (5:31:42 PM): You're right.

Smirt45 (5:31:45 PM): A weed could beat you up.

Smirt45 (5:31:54 PM): Spit on you, and take your lunch money.
[20:26] smirt45:

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:08 PM): omg stop being ghey

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:11 PM): shut up ya gay

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:13 PM): ya gay

Smirt45 (5:32:19 PM): you just want me to be gay with you

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:30 PM): u cant spell smart rite

Smirt45 (5:32:22 PM): sorry i don't swing that way

Smirt45 (5:32:28 PM): Smart.

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:36 PM): OMG

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:38 PM): IM NOT GAY

Smirt45 (5:32:31 PM): S-m-a-r-t.

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:41 PM): TAKE THAT BACK

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:43 PM): PLEASE

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:48 PM): ******

Smirt45 (5:32:43 PM): YOU CAN'T STOP DAH TRUTH
[20:27] Spade489: I want to talk to him, I wonder if he unblocked me.
[20:27] Spade489: Nope. Still blocked.
[20:27] smirt45:

narutofanboy1337 (5:26:59 PM): ******

Smirt45 (5:32:58 PM): STOLE YOUR BIKE

Smirt45 (5:33:01 PM): THEN HE BEAT YOU UP
[20:28] smirt45:

narutofanboy1337 (5:27:28 PM): ya rite

narutofanboy1337 (5:27:29 PM): who

Smirt45 (5:33:31 PM): ur mum

narutofanboy1337 (5:27:43 PM): no, ur mom

Smirt45 (5:33:41 PM): no urz

narutofanboy1337 (5:27:53 PM): urs

narutofanboy1337 (5:27:58 PM): stop it ya gay

Smirt45 (5:33:53 PM): btw tel ur mum shez good in bed

narutofanboy1337 (5:28:01 PM): urs x100000000

narutofanboy1337 (5:28:06 PM): beat that gay boi

Smirt45 (5:34:06 PM): urs x1.#INF

Smirt45 (5:34:12 PM): win
[20:28] Spade489: XD
[20:29] smirt45:

narutofanboy1337 (5:28:31 PM): # isnt a number

narutofanboy1337 (5:28:34 PM): u loose

narutofanboy1337 (5:28:36 PM): gay boy

Smirt45 (5:34:37 PM): u haven't ever gotten inf on a game

Smirt45 (5:34:41 PM): you lose

narutofanboy1337 (5:28:52 PM): once

Smirt45 (5:34:48 PM): go back to first grade

narutofanboy1337 (5:28:56 PM): goditz editted mi once

narutofanboy1337 (5:29:02 PM): i was owning all the newbies
[20:29] smirt45:

Smirt45 (5:35:16 PM): serves 'em right for playing naruto

narutofanboy1337 (5:29:31 PM): ya

narutofanboy1337 (5:29:33 PM): naruto is gay

Smirt45 (5:35:42 PM): glad u agree
[20:29] Spade489: Wait
[20:30] Spade489: He said naruto was gay?
[20:30] smirt45: ya
[20:30] Spade489: o.0
[20:30] Spade489: Call him John Kerry.
[20:30] Spade489: He changed his viewpoint so quickly/
[20:31] smirt45: Smirt45 (5:36:25 PM): so John Kerry

narutofanboy1337 (5:30:48 PM): whos jon kerry

Smirt45 (5:36:52 PM): hes a waffler

Smirt45 (5:36:57 PM): like ur mum

narutofanboy1337 (5:31:06 PM): wuts a waffler

narutofanboy1337 (5:31:10 PM): OMG U GAY

narutofanboy1337 (5:31:14 PM): SHES NOT A WAFFLER

Smirt45 (5:37:10 PM): its somethin u eet at breakfast

Smirt45 (5:37:17 PM): go back to kindergarten
[20:31] Spade489: Waffler?
[20:32] Spade489: Is that someone who waffles people?
[20:32] smirt45: narutofanboy1337 (5:31:33 PM): WAFFLER IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE USED AS AN ADVERB

narutofanboy1337 (5:31:48 PM): U FAIL ENGLISH GO BAK 2 PREK YA DUMBASS


Smirt45 (5:38:01 PM): LOL

[20:32] Spade489: thats what it means?
[20:33] Spade489: >,>
[20:34] Spade489: I find it especially funny how he made fun of your english.
[20:35] smirt45: lol
[20:38] Spade489: narutofanboy1337: GAY BOY
*** "narutofanboy1337" signed off at Mon May 28 20:38:19 2007.
[20:39] smirt45:
narutofanboy1337 (5:32:29 PM): GO TO HARTLUM

narutofanboy1337 (5:32:31 PM): YA ******


narutofanboy1337 (5:33:14 PM): HE BEAT MY

narutofanboy1337 (5:33:16 PM): P?

narutofanboy1337 (5:33:26 PM): U CNT SPALL DUM***!

narutofanboy1337 (5:33:31 PM): HAHAHAHAHA

Smirt45 (5:41:20 PM): HYPOCRITE

narutofanboy1337 (5:37:44 PM): wuts that

Smirt45 (5:44:22 PM): its ur mum

Smirt45 (5:44:22 PM): again

narutofanboy1337 (5:38:56 PM): omg

narutofanboy1337 (5:38:59 PM): ill kill u

narutofanboy1337 (5:39:02 PM): im mad hardcore

narutofanboy1337 (5:39:07 PM): ill start **** and not care

narutofanboy1337 (5:39:41 PM): narutofanboy1337: GAY BOY
*** "Spade489" signed off at Mon May 28 20:38:19 2007.

narutofanboy1337 (5:39:46 PM): c?

Smirt45 (5:45:45 PM): GAY BOY

narutofanboy1337 signed off at 5:45:47 PM.

narutofanboy1337 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
[20:40] smirt45:
I blocked HIM
[20:40] Spade489: Rofl
[20:40] Spade489: I think this is a joke though.
[20:40] Spade489: I don't think someone could be THAT stupid
[20:40] Spade489: Well, I take that back.
[20:40] Spade489: But I still think its a joke
[20:41] Spade489: You have anyone else on BYOND's screen name?
[20:41] Spade489: I wanna ask them too,
[20:41] smirt45:
[20:41] Spade489: It would be really unusual if he only harassed us too. You would expect they annoy someone more important, or more people.
[20:41] Spade489: Like Silk or GDT
[20:42] smirt45: =/
[20:43] Spade489: He just called me out on another alt screen name :/
[20:43] Spade489: And signed off again
[20:43] Spade489: This is definately a joke.
[20:43] Spade489: A bad one at that
[20:45] smirt45: SEXii KAR0LiiNUH is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.


SEXii KAR0LiiNUH (5:43:03 PM): NUB

SEXii KAR0LiiNUH signed off at 5:51:13 PM.
[20:46] Spade489: Same here.
[20:46] Spade489: Pretty much the same message.
[20:46] Spade489: Exept there was a ! after OVA
[20:47] Spade489: I'm gonna post this on BYOND and see if anyone got a message from this guy.

What an annoying little bugger.
I'd never heard of a waffler until i read that...He has somehow taught me a new word in a...weird way.
Is this via AIM or MSN?
It looks like he's mincing logs from another chat program in between the AIM conversation.
Dead_Demon wrote:
Is this via AIM or MSN?


Sarm wrote:
It looks like he's mincing logs from another chat program in between the AIM conversation.

What do you mean, "mincing logs" ? Like a lumberjack?