Update: We are well into our final stages, right now we are working on some basic clothing items (since everyone felt they could not be naked :|) the overall interface and the setup for the character progression tables :)
![]() Feb 15 2012, 9:03 pm
The only thing i really dont like here, are trees (leaf ones). It just seems unfinished, black outline inside and a bit senseless shading on bark. It just gives the feeling that the trees was doing by someone a lot worse than Zane
Yut Put wrote:
Egor wrote: This and i did have that thought about the pants. |
This map doesn't look as well done as the demo/video. The map/turfs might be temporary, if so, ignore the following comments. The auto edge method makes it look lazy, and the edging on the turfs look like they just had holes poked through them. In the town (demo/video), the grass edges outlined the blades of grass, I'm not sure why it wasn't used here. It should also be used for the various textures of stone, dirt, etc. The trees also look a little awkward, the trunk looks like it's bathed in light, because of that it also makes the shadow underneath look pasted on to the ground. I'm sure you've noted the shadows overlaying each other, so I don't bother with that, but the shadow doesn't look like it matches the perspective/lighting of the tree.
Maybe I'm needlessly pointing things out... but it sticks out to me so I wrote it anyways. |
Megablaze wrote:
This map doesn't look as well done as the demo/video. The map/turfs might be temporary, if so, ignore the following comments. The auto edge method makes it look lazy, and the edging on the turfs look like they just had holes poked through them. In the town (demo/video), the grass edges outlined the blades of grass, I'm not sure why it wasn't used here. It should also be used for the various textures of stone, dirt, etc. The trees also look a little awkward, the trunk looks like it's bathed in light, because of that it also makes the shadow underneath look pasted on to the ground. I'm sure you've noted the shadows overlaying each other, so I don't bother with that, but the shadow doesn't look like it matches the perspective/lighting of the tree. ^This. The trees bother me, too. The trunk just seems way to bright to be under the shade of the leaves. |
I agree with the above. I think a lot of the turfs in this game have a lot of detail when they shouldn't. The pallets are so bright they don't need that much detail like the spine of the leaves in the palm trees. Or at least try to blend it in more. Another problem is the lack of yellow where the sun hits the trees. When light hits a leaf it doesn't become a brighter green, it becomes a yellow color.
I think you're all just whining and poking holes for the sake of it, i personally think the art looks great, better than any other game on byond by a long shot. i'd challenge the lot of you to see if you could do better.
King-manga-man wrote:
I think you're all just whining and poking holes for the sake of it, i personally think the art looks great, better than any other game on byond by a long shot. i'd challenge the lot of you to see if you could do better. Right. I personally don't see anything wrong. Nothing is perfect, and as Karasu said, it's definitely way above the norm. |
King-manga-man wrote:
I think you're all just whining and poking holes for the sake of it, i personally think the art looks great, better than any other game on byond by a long shot. i'd challenge the lot of you to see if you could do better. That's really not the point, yes it looks nice, but there are some issues with it that can be improved. Whether they decide to do it or not is their choice, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with pointing out things to make it better. If you praise everything, people don't improve. Anyways, the things I noted might already be known but for one reason or another was put aside, I didn't point it out demanding they fix it, it's just a bit of C&C. |
I have to agree with Yut Put the title screen is excellent but I liked the other theme better. Had a better feel to it.
King-manga-man wrote:
I think you're all just whining and poking holes for the sake of it, i personally think the art looks great, better than any other game on byond by a long shot. There not making this game just for people on BYOND. It's going to be advertised outside of BYOND also, so who cares if its supposedly the best on BYOND they need it to be up there with the best of the best outside of BYOND and they can't get there without some criticism. |
Because we're really pushing to actually release the game, we've had to make some decisions not to go back and fix things that really could do without.I respect everyone's personal opinion and try to see things from their perspective.
@Megablaze: The map seen above was actually made by Chris with the intention of being a tutorial map. I actually haven't had a chance to do any map work for a few months now. The generated turf edges work great but I never intended to have remove mapping by "hand" completely out of the equation.I think it serves its purpose pretty well, which is to guide players along a predetermined course. I Can understand what you're coming from though, This is of course the first map players are likely to see. and it should be a great first impression.with that said, I do intend on polishing a lot of things up After the game is open in public Beta. As of recently, we've been focusing less on content on more on very important area, Character development and progression.While Zete, a good friend of mine, is helping out with out GUI. Character development had taken longer than we hoped to actually get done, but we had to redesign/revise our notes prior. This is why blogging slowed down.hours of research into what today's ORPG's lack and how we can implement them in a manageable fashion. An example of this is: In spirit age, there are no preset classes to choose from. instead we're going for something along the lines of Open-development. where players decide what attributes their character has. From being a warrior type with that specializes casting elemental buffs to himself or a Magician type with some skill with firearms. I have a pretty early draft of our current intentions. And its a lot more exciting than your average skill tree, in my opinion. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69/boardb.png/ FYI i should mention that it only depicts strength "tree." remember this is not a finalized model. Myself or Chris will make a post explaining it in detail once we've finalized and implement this feature. PS,Wow Egor, now there's a key i haven't seen in years. Welcome back! |
Not really, You're looking at it all wrong. The model above shows someone who has neglected ALL other stats going for some powerhouse build.Its rather efficient in auto-balancing "pure builds" keep in mind that that branch of the tree is completely OPTIONAL.Giving the player the option to lose proficiency in something they could care to lose. and wager the benefits versus the negatives. In that case more strength at the cost of losing some proficiency with magic.they could always choose to invest in some magic to counteract the lost.
Its like that in Every MMO that has classes. for example, Mages tend to have low resistance to physical damage while its the opposite for warriors.Its basically the same in this case. the warrior becomes more vulnerable/less proficient with magic. We want to encourage diversity in a sense. |
So the skill system will be a bit similiar to the one in Ultima Online, where you've a lot of skills you can choose from? Nice. But you will have to train them manualy, or just buy for skill points?
Hey Zane :) This time i plan to stay, so i hope its the last "welcome back" :P |
There are two types of skills. passive progressive and active.
Passive progressive skills require you to use the skill in order to gain proficiency.(this is the case for weapons and some skills) Active skills are a bit different wherein their effects are seen instantly. Lets take fire for example. the main damage attribute is basically strength while the actual projectiles require some dexterity in order to actually get a decent hit.(doesn't matter if you can spit fireballs if you cant hit what you're aiming for hehe) so a good build for fire should involve both dexterity and strength. of course this is option you could invest solely in strength for fire's high damaging melee attacks, of course these still need accuracy or you'll miss a lot more than a person who has invested a bit more into accuracy. |
Im not completely sure what you're suggesting. Strength is only half of the equation for damage output, other things still have to be taken into account. Why set aside points for investing solely into strength/spirit?
In my model, the consequences of the specific tree is referring to the base amount of spirit. Its a path of choice like a pseudo class. I honestly don't see how this will make player less willing to progress. at all when its a section of the tree that's Optional. If you do decide not to purchase that tree, you still have the option to purchase numerous others to supplement. Without negative consequences of a projected path diversification would suffer, Warrior-type classes would have equally high damaging magic abilities and vice versa. The consequences are not game-breaking by a long shot, at least in opinion. What im trying to avoid is removing the mindset that "Pure-builds" would be the build of choice if you if want to be the best in the game. Think of it like this. If you spent All of your time at the gym,and neglect your studies wouldn't your intelligence suffer? Its the same case here. I'm not saying you cant be both, But you need to invest in both and in the long run you'd proficient in both areas. |
The skill/stat tree makes sense to me, at least for the most part, really not sure what Yut Put is talking about. I'm wondering how it's going to look in game though, guess I'll wait and see. I also just noticed prerequisites, I think a good way to go about it would be, instead of thinking of it as a prerequisite, you would have to go along two branching trees, and they would connect at some point and unlock a new skill. Of course that wouldn't work for two opposites like spirit/strength, but that would kind of make sense in terms of classes.