Keywords: mygames, squadrons
I hereby present a screenshot of my current project.

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It's sort of a multiplayer, competetive, tower defense thing, and was mentioned by King ACWraith of the Strategy Guild. It also uses a fair amount of 4.0 prettiness. The game is incomplete, as is the interface, but I like where it's going. All graphics are pretty much placeholders at this point, though I do think the little tower came out nice.
Nice job! My first thought was..."boy I hope he has the 4.0 beta"
Neat :) I was thinking of something like this a week or two ago (when a friend approached me about playing some WC3 Tower Defense maps), I can't wait to see how it turns out! Good luck
Looks good, Flick! Can't wait to see some cannon towers
Looks very very similar to Faces of War by Yota. >_>
That shows the true awesomeness of 4.0. Excellent job sir!
D4RK3 54B3R, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that any similarities to Yota's The Faces of War is unintentional. I can't even get information on that game when I ask about it directly. ;)
It reminds me a lot of The Faces of War. Pretty nice.

EDIT: AC, I played the old version but I'll tell you what I remember. The game involves two sides, the peasants and the dynasty. In your standard tiled BYOND world, each side placed different types of walls and units on their respective sides, and there was a no man's land between the sides.

The units were represented by different smiley faces for the dynasty, or different frowning faces for the peasants. You had your standard units like warrior, archer, mage, and healer. Walls came in different levels of strength. It was essentially a very fast paced 0-player game; you set it up, started the game. and the units fought until one side was defeated. When I say 0-player game I mean that the most interaction you had was setting it up... most of the fighting was automatic, but you could tell your troops to target a specific unit.

Mainly, it boiled down to getting the best units (snipers) behind the most effective wall and cannon fodder system. I assume the new version lets more than two people play at once, at the least. The replayability was because of the fact that every game you played was different because each person set it up from scratch and had to adapt their strategy to counter their opponent's, which reminds me of a board game I love, Stratego.
Tower defense? SWEET!
Jmurph wrote:
Tower defense? SWEET!

You inspired it :P

I've yet to see Yota's Faces of War, though I'd like to. This was inspired by something Jmurph posted (see comment below). Of course now I'm pretty much just playing with interface stuff rather than doing any work on the game itself. :P