Keywords: development, snake
I spent yesterday making Slide-o-Snake , another puzzle game where you push boxes into holes, and as you do the snake trail gets longer, making it harder.

I spent an hour or two today perfecting it so that 2 player works, which can be some crazy fun trying to block each others path.

I'll probably keep a game up tonight and maybe a few days, probably add in 4 player at some point in the near future too and deal with some minor glitches, but overall its basically a perfected game, in less than 24 hours too!

I also want to spring clean my "guild" a little too, so I might have some changes coming along soon.
Is this good?

ENDGAME! Basik has a length of 23 and has scored 24 in 198 moves!

Its fair, I think Sonder had the highest with 45ish length and 50+ points, but Anything over 20 is pretty good, 30+ is great.
Pretty fun game; brings back some memories. "Ephraim with 40 points in 376 moves has beat the previous score set by:"