
Poll: Axerob or Goditz

Axerob 74% (32)
Goditz 25% (11)

Only members of can vote.

Axerob or Goditz who do you like the best comments are nice lol
Axerob is better than Goditz.
Who the fuck cares.
Axerob is a cool guy, I respect him.
Axerob is a good guy. I detest Goditz.

Axerob for Kage.
Axerob is far better.
Axerob is a pretty decent guy with alot of respect and doesnt fly of the handle and Goditz.... No.
AlexisOnFire wrote:
Who the fuck cares.

Well i hated Axerob back when he was a little 13 year old source ripper(sort of like Goditz is now).

2-3 years later he has become a really good guy, so i guess i will choose Axerob over Goditz.
Pikachu, I choose you!
I'm pulling for the underdog, and am choosing for Goditz.....which is a mistake, but I could care less.
Where's our neither option? Or a cake=pie option.
Only stupid assholes, retards, people with no brains will vote on Goditz. He's a crappy 28 year old retard that says all shit is his own. Meh, retards will always excist.

Axerob is a very good guy. He respects the people that respect him. So, euhm, Axerob <3.
You guys should all be ashamed of yourselves...Which person is better than the other? Unless you personally know them in real life dont judge them AT ALL.

Insulting people on the internet means nothing. Find something better to do with your time.
Good job necroing the post.
Axerob Makes better games