Wonder if someone can tell me if there's anything in the forums somewhere hidden regarding hot-slots. Since it is practically impossible to find anything anymore.
SqueakyReaper wrote:
I assume this was a game?Lol. No, and I know how to use the "forum search". I'm asking because since the update no resources, tutorials, and a lot of old useful stuff is gone and using the search doesn't really return much, or anything. |
The top bar search should return the same results as the old site search. Actually, it returns more, because a search over everything looks at both the old blogs and old forums. That said, we are currently changing the system up to make this a lot more intuitive.
Searching for "hot slots" in the old site returned nothing. |
I remember using several resources that used hot slots. Now, I cant find anything, if I should be looking for another key word, please let me know.
Cubanbling wrote:
SqueakyReaper wrote: Agreed an I am annoyed at this... |
Use the word "HUD". Stands for Heads Up Display, and likely shows exactly what you need. As far as I can tell, no one is using "hot slots" as a key word, and I can't find any that have it in their description either. That's why you're having problems.
SqueakyReaper wrote:
Use the word "HUD". Stands for Heads Up Display, and likely shows exactly what you need. As far as I can tell, no one is using "hot slots" as a key word, and I can't find any that have it in their description either. That's why you're having problems. I cant tell. But I think you're missing the point here. |
I have resorted to doing this
http://www.google.com.au/ search?rlz=1C1CHKB_en-GBAU459AU459&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8& q=site%3Abyond.com+hot+slots Although if you do find something you'll most likely end up back at the forums it just redirects you. Since it doesn't exist |
I'm addressing your specific concern. You can find what you need by searching for "HUD". I might be missing the point, though, as I'm having no difficulty finding things by searching for them. I do miss the unsorted developers, though I can still find a specific item by looking for it.
SqueakyReaper wrote:
I'm addressing your specific concern. You can find what you need by searching for "HUD". I might be missing the point, though, as I'm having no difficulty finding things by searching for them. I do miss the unsorted developers, though I can still find a specific item by looking for it. Oh boy. TY. |
A.T.H.K wrote:
I have resorted to doing this Guess I'll resort to this as well. |
If you find content that isn't accessible via the search, then let us know and we'll see why it's not coming up.
Tom wrote:
If you find content that isn't accessible via the search, then let us know and we'll see why it's not coming up. I'm not sure that's the problem. It just feels like a lot of the stuff that was there before now is missing. I don't know if that's still being worked on, or maybe it's all just in my head. |
Everything is there, there's just a few tweaks on how to access it. There's no developer resources hub page (in the way that there is a game page), there are no guilds (things are grouped by tags), and unlisted resources cannot be searched for unless there's an in development thread on the forums for them.
Everything that is published is still completely searchable. It just sort of feels different, I guess. |
Outside of some posts in the old guild forums, all of the old content should be here. If you can give me an example of something that is missing (should be cached by google, for instance), I can see why it isn't showing up.
No a lot of stuff is missing, I thought it was done on purpose .. perhaps not ...
Try searching source ... none of the old source's pop up really. |
A.T.H.K wrote:
No a lot of stuff is missing, I thought it was done on purpose .. perhaps not ... I can't think of anything off the top of my head but at least I know I'm not alone or imagining things. |
Yeah, you are right .. something is messed up with the search. I believe all the content can be found but it's not respecting the old keywords like it used to. We'll get that fixed. We'll probably be bringing the old dev section back too since it made those keywords more explicit.
As far as the OP, the "hot slots" don't appear to exist in the old site either. |
Alright thank you, knew I wasn't losing it. Also hot slots was just an example of what I was looking for, I didn't necessarily type in "hot slots" in the search bar I tried several things. "Huds, Slots, Hot, Slot,". Some of them return something but obviously not what I was looking for.
Googling it (site:byond hot slots) shows game mechanic discussions. Seems as though Hot Slots is a very common term for a quick bar. Is an example for how to do that what you're looking for, then?