"smoking is bad for you, do drugs instead!" ....wtf? >_>

In health class, our teacher spouts all this stuff about smoking, drugs, and alcohol. He said that secondhand smoke is more dangerous than smoking it yourself. If that were true, then next time someone smokes near me, I'll pull out my own pack and light one up. :P
Whoa, don't smoke cigarettes. There not cool man. You should only smoke Blunts or Weed. There not as bad as cigarettes... I don't think. Their a little pricey, but who care. You can get higher than any bird or any cloud. But don't do coc, that's just stupid. And know your limits.

Based on that intelligent message, I think you should be the spokesperson for weed. It shows everyone exactly what happens.
Three cheers for our city smoking ban! Go Hogs, Go Hogs, Go Hogs! SUIE PIG!
"Many many many people who smoke never get cancer. They don't get emphasima, and they live happy lives, in good health smoking many times a day. Sure, some people do die from smoking, but many many more people die from a poor diet."

True, many many many people who smoke never get cancer. However 76% of all smokers contract a disease directly linked to their smoking, do you know what the leading fatal disease is? Lung Cancer. That means that 24% of smokers do not have the possiblity to contract Lung Cancer, and that 23 percent is A LOT of people, millions of people in fact, but when compared to the 76% that may Contract, and possbly die, from lung cancer the number is minute. So you are right, many many many people who smoke do not get lung cancer, but even more do.

"but many many more people die from a poor diet."

Holy fucking shit. Do not tell me you are that ignorant. On the top 10 leading causes of death in the US, the first cause of death to be directly influenced by your diet is Diabetes mellitus, and even that is much more affected by genetic make-up (by the way, it's number 6 claiming 74,000 lives on average each year.) Do you know what was second? Malignant neoplasms (tumors). Allow me to translate that for you, cancer kicks the shit out of the only leading cause of death to be directly connected to ones diet claiming over 500,000 lives per year! 30% of that is Lung Cancer (gender indifferential) which means that approximately 170,000 people die of Lung cancer each year (19% of victims were not smokers but were exposed to 2nd or 3rd hand smoke.) How many of them do you think were smokers?

"Whoa, don't smoke cigarettes. There not cool man. You should only smoke Blunts or Weed. There not as bad as cigarettes... I don't think."

Carcinogens are still very much present in smoking weed, the chemicals in cigarettes definately increase the danger though, as well as addict you, marijuana also fucks up your mental receptors, breaks down lung tissue, and get you "high" which is a state that greatly reduces reaction time and increase risks of danger, people get addicted to this feeling of euphoria mor so than even cigarettes. I don't reccomend smoking AT ALL but if you must, smoke pure tobbacco, rolled in plain paper.

"In health class, our teacher spouts all this stuff about smoking, drugs, and alcohol. He said that secondhand smoke is more dangerous than smoking it yourself. If that were true, then next time someone smokes near me, I'll pull out my own pack and light one up. :P"

Clever! I admire your humor. That's classic man. Second Hand smoke is more dangerous because it is ignored and because it is technically a bodily excrement. People who inhale second hand smoke are 3x less likely to identify symptoms and illness caused by inhaling the smoke than those who smoke. Being that you are breathing in the smoke, you are accepting what the others body rejected, excess and possibly concentrated carino-and mutagens that have more potent effect in smaller doses than direct smoke. In addition smoker often develop a patch of lung that has been desenstized to the smoke, meaning that what it does to them isn't as bad as what it does to you, being that you would have "virgin lungs" fickle as our lungs are already.

Fuck Smoking. Drink Rum, get laid and pass out on the couch! Never drink and drive, you ass whores!

By the way, the two best states for favorable Population to death rayios are as follows:


Go figure right? Well, In Alaska on 4.7% of the population died by the end of the year (They also have the lowest murder rate) and In Utah, only 5.7% of the populations died by years end (2004)

What are the 7 deadliest according to population-death ratio?
Well now:
Pennsylvania would take the cake with 10.7 percent of the population dying by the end of 2004 if it wasn't for West Virgina out-doing them with a whopping 11.7% here's the list of the rest;
West Virginia
Arkansas 10.5%
Alabama 10.3%
Oklahoma 10.2% (District of Columbia had 10.2% as well.)
Kentucky 10.1%
Florida and Mississippi 10%
Arkansas 10.5%

Only because I live there and kittens are counted on that ratio.

Silly urinating kitties.

Git "R" Done

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