Popisfizzy wrote:
I'd like to see your source on the claims about evolution, because I've never heard that (please note that you aren't allowed to show pornography on the member's page, so just tell me if you took it from your ass). Evolution can easily account for a vast variety of creatures. So many niches in nature are filled because those creates have evolved to the point where they fit that niche perfectly, not because some higher being created them.
For me, looking around is just proof of how amazing nature is, and how much variety can come from simple organisms that developed millions of years ago. You have to realize that evidence of (a) supreme being(s) is subjective, not objective.
Really, the creation model holds about as much water as a funnel.
oh? there exists a clam like creature who has an optic nerve as a human.
a beatle who uses explosions to drive away predators (something that couldnt have evolved because the bug would have blown itself to death before evolution could have taken over)"
Never heard of these two, but they sound interesting. I'm skeptical that this exploding beatle actually dies in the process, or else it's very likely it wouldn't be around now.
"the monkey, need i explain this one?"
Yea...you should. You seem to be coming out of left feild with this one.
"pig, the flesh, and basic bone densities, some of which are different from humans but closer then that of a monkey/ape/whatever"
I have no clue what you're rambling about here.
"also, if we had infact evolved from another simpler life form we would have found evidence of it in geologic record... there isnt one btw (this i checked several times) however there are a few animals that closly resemble humans but have been identified as neither a missing link nor a pre-evolution stage to... well ANYTHING"
So? There's a chance there's a link we haven't found yet. Who cares? If we never find it, there may be a problem, but that doesn't mean we're wrong. What you really have to look at is the likelihood we'll find it. We haven't made contact with another intelligent lifeform, yet. Does that mean there is zero chance they exist? Sure, but that isn't likely at all, given multitude of galaxies, the amount of stars in these galaxies, and the likelihood that these stars have planets. We're bound to find another Earth-like planet sooner or later (well, another one now, considering we have found one). If they can support life, why wouldn't one of them?
Anyways, there is a lot more evidence for evolution and the big bang theory than creationism (mainly because the scientific theories rely on evidence, while the bible relies on "lol im rite ur not").