oks. I was banned on many servers English by saying that I was Brazilian, I only spoke in portuques (if you do not know that this is the language that you speak here in Brazil), and then by saying we do not discriminate, the question here is not I know this is the question that we are tired of being repressed for many of you. descriminan more because you guys in?
thats normal if u get banned on an english game by talking portuques in OOC or something *-*, English is not my motherlanguage is that a reason i shouldnt try to talk in english?
AI EU POSSO HOSTEAR SE TIVE AFIM MANDA MSG , [email protected] , hosteio 24 h on 7 dias por semana pesso 1 dia por mes pra resfriar a maquina e manutenção frmz qualquer coisa fala comigo la fui
Olá William meu nome é Iosef e Gostaria de poder conversar com você sobre o JOGO Fairy Tail, Por favor entre em contato: [email protected]
i only wanne say when its in english it would be more popular and everyone nows fairy tail
lozinx ddue act normal and try to talk in english yea why should i have a shame its not my fault you Br. guys have a bad reputation ?...