It seems every couple months I'm doing one of these "So where has Iain been?" posts where I appologize for being absent, and then suddenly I'm back active on BYOND again; this time I forsee my absense being more long term. There are some aspects of my life I need to pay attention to, so this is my goodbye for now. I've dismantled the Sessions guild.

I do imagin that I will come back to BYOND eventually, and I may stick my head in the door from time to time to see how things are going, but at this time I cannot commit as much effort as I would like or as much as I had promised some of you. I regret that that is the way of it.

See you again when the winds change.
See you later, Peregrinator. ='(
Muhuhahaha! There is nobody to depose me now! (Relax, I'll find someone.)

Good luck. =)
Buena suerte!
See you.
See you later.
I give you a Gnomish farewell.
See you, my sporadically-here friend -- preferably sooner than later.

I hope the things in your life that you need to focus on all turn out well and pleasantly. :]
Aww. See ya.
Haaaagh. By mouf.

Uhhh... bye 'n' all dat.

Heh, I think this is the first 'I'm quitting BYOND' type post I've ever actually been interested in.

You're a great developer to have around but if life calls life calls. Bye.
Best of luck Iain. Hope to see you back soon.
Well, take care man, hope you can get things all sorted out fast.
Good luck to you sir, and may the winds of fortune blow in your direction.
Take care.