Starting today, the money you earn is actually yours! today_is_tax_fr.html
Apr 30 2007, 5:11 am
Apr 30 2007, 5:13 am
What we need is a tax freedom week. Not day!
Wow... So all I have to do is give the Federal and State governments every dime I've earned up to this point this year, and I can live "tax free" for the rest of the year?
Awesome! [Edit:] Interestingly enough, the two largest single deductions from my paychecks are for medical insurance and a 401k contribution... My insurance alone is higher than the Federal Income Tax and Social Security deductions combined... |
Not so fast, bud -- have you paid the Tax Freedom Day Tax yet?
We can't have special Days that aren't paid for, after all! |
We had tax free day a week ago or so, and not a single store or employer did a thing about it, was just a normal day.
Meh, property in regards to the government is largely illusory anyway. You get to "keep" what the government decides. They grant you permission as they see fit. Disagree with their formulations and they take more and/or imprison you. You "own" real property only so long as you pay for it (taxes) or the government (including municipalities!) decides it wants it and takes it.
I do not mind paying taxes. What is frustrating is how little we get for it. Consider that the overall average US tax burden is 32%. Canada's is roughly 10% higher. For that, they get greater public benefits such as pension and public medical benefits. Meanwhile, we get told national health care is unaffordable (and then wage a war that costs more, but I digress), an obtuse Medicare system that provides abysmally low coverage and a broken Social Security scheme. What a deal! I say bite the bullet, either cut the systems entirely and stop pretending to care about the poor, elderly, and disabled or go socialist, up the rates and give us some real benefits. Because this halfway stuff isn't working. It is plunging us into an economic hole slightly slower without addressing any of the targetted problems effectively. Meh, I suppose it doesn't matter. The only check on government action is an active electorate, but the Romans are quite content with their circuses and so calls for a return to the values of the republic are likely to go unheeded. |