BYOND Version:516
Operating System:Windows 11 Pro 64-bit
Web Browser:
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

When adding an object's appearance as an overlay, in 515.1603, the overlay would match the parent object's direction.

In 515.1604+, the overlay has a fixed direction (by default, SOUTH)

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

1) Click on clothing items in inventory to equip
2) Walk around

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
It's in the test case.

Expected Results:

Overlays would match parent's direction

Actual Results:

Overlays do not match parent's direction

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?

Seems to be every time

In other games?

Not sure

In other user accounts?


On other computers?


When does the problem NOT occur?

When the player is using 516.1603 or earlier, seems to be regardless of what version the source is compiled on. I thought it was cause of a specific way of adding overlays, but simply doing
overlays += src
, also causes the issue, as can be seen in the test case.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)



Not sure D:

Test Case: Idk preferred way of uploading so if you want I can send it else how:
The issue you're facing is with Stat() in particular. For some reason, it referencing content is causing the problem you're having. If you removed Stat(), referencing the player's contents within Stat(), or changed how you're adding overlays to the player then that would serve as a workaround until the issue is resolved.
Ohh thank you Lige! To be honest, that makes a lot of sense cause when testing I made a macro that was like .click Outfit

and when I wasn't on the stat panel, it seemed that it actually wasn't bugging, but I wasn't sure enough if that was a cause so I didn't point it out.

Though, I also overlooked on mentioning it since the test case is different from how I normally add overlays, so I thought that if it even bugged at just overlays += src (simplest case), the stat panel might not have been the only issue

Hmm, I wonder if it's specifically the player's contents

Like if I have an Inventory list and stuff are in that instead of contents, I wonder if it'll still bug
Just tested, so even replacing contents to a separate list like Inven, doesn't fix it
var/list/Inven = list()

for(var/Blah in Inven)

Inven = list(new/obj/Clothez/Outfit)

Clicking that outfit still bugs

I guess the only fix would be not using stat() :| but hopefully it's fixed soon since I need stat atm
Looks like having the appearance of the thing visible to the client (in your statpanel) is causing other versions of the same appearance to break.

Try manually setting the direction of the item inside of your inventory, does that change the direction of the overlay?

if you do dir = NORTH for an outfit, its just stuck in that direction instead of the default SOUTH
I was told that the glitch is with the appearance table or something, like if you view an appearance on a statpanel first, it sets some appearance info that shouldn't be set or something like that

So hopefully will be fixed soon
You'll probably want to create a simple test project that replicates the issue so Lummox can easily test against a known problematic project.
I did xd

It's in the post if you didn't notice ^

I sent it on sendspace
But basically, it's just

icon = whatever
overlays += src

for(var/Blah in contents)

contents = new/obj/Something
Click to equip and walk and its direction is bugged
In response to Yusuke11
Totally missed that link hiding at the bottom of your post, good deal then :)

I wish there was a way to bold it 0.0

maybe I should put an empty line over it like I usually do, would make it easier to see

but yup

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