Deep Abyss Cavern
- A new level 40 ~ 60 area accessible via the Abyss Cavern south of Meiaquar.
- Contains 4 new enemy types, 1 new boss.
- Enemies in this dungeon respawn at a faster rate than other dungeons on Korvara.
- Map courtesy of Appo.
New Reversi Scrolls & Aux Skill Cards
- Added a new item type; Aux skill cards. These are similar to stolen spellcards in that they can be used to add a skill to your skill pool, or turned back into a card. These skills are passives which modify class skills.
- Added 11 Aux skill cards.
- Added 1 Skill card.
- Added 4 Reversi scrolls.
- Reversi scrolls can be crafted via alchemy, Aux/Skill cards can be crafted via enchanting item creation. (You must unlock the ability to do so first, somehow...)
Demon Hunter
- Elemental Rave; Galren effect changed to 'Applies its damage to all enemies within 2 Range of the target.'.
- Added 2 free skills to change the appearance of Animal Companions. (Courtesy of Brittus)
- Added 4 free skills to change the appearance of Wraithguard. (Courtesy of Brittus)
Lantern Bearer
- Guiding Light; Effect adjusted
- Cannot be used while Blinded. Targets a tile within 3 Range. Any ally that is suffering from a Blind status effect in it is filled with light, curing the Blind; if an effect was cured this way, that ally gains immunity to it for X rounds (X = Rank). Any Darkness tiles in that location have their duration reduced by the same amount of rounds.
If Mass is active, this skill targets a 3 Size Diamond instead.
- Added 4 free skills to change the appearance of Shine Knights. (Courtesy of Brittus)
- Added 4 free skills to change the appearance of Create Shade clones. (Courtesy of Brittus)
- Added 4 free skills to change the appearance of the Dark Eye unit. (Courtesy of Brittus)
- Added 1 new equipment item.
- Added support for Dark-enchanted elemental impacts.
- Added a new field tile called Darkness.
- Adjustments made to respawning system in dungeon areas. Report any oddities.
- Various forum bug fixes.