It's been a really interesting week in development, because apart from bug fixes I've also been working on feature foo and started sticking my nose in places I probably should have stuck it in a lot sooner.

Over last weekend I was looking into a crash report. The report didn't come to anything because I couldn't reproduce it, but the process of compiling it did give me an idea for something I've wanted to add to the compiler for a while. I'll reveal it when the next release drops, but that won't be today. I was still working on some bug reports until relatively late in the day yesterday, and it reached a point where a release was impractical. So the new feature remains a secret for now.

Also in compiler land, I finally looked further into why the object tree generation is so horrendous for huge projects, and I discovered something interesting. It isn't (mostly) the icon loading that's to blame, although I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a factor. There are other factors that hearken back to when these tools were first developed, and I can improve on that (and have to, for other reasons), but I don't think they're the driving force. I'll discuss that more over on Patreon, but a quick preview is that it's Microsoft's fault.

Besides that, I have some miscellaneous fixes ready to go with the next release, including a kind of important one for animations. I don't know if my object tree work will be done Monday, but if it isn't I'll just button things up enough for release and put out what I've got then.

I did also spend a little time this weekend looking into site HTML stuff. I really, really want to give the site a low-key makeover without wasting a ton of time. We have a lot of hard-coded styles and things that were built around the limitations of past ages, which we can now get rid of. It'd be nice to do so.

The fundometer needs a little love, so if you aren't a BYOND Member yet I hope you'll ransack the couch cushions and toss a coin to your coder. Thank you so much to everyone who helps keep the lights on around here.

I did not make a Valentine's cake! I will however be making some frosting, because frosting between graham crackers is GOATed. Otherwise it's a weekend of hunkering down and waiting out the winter. See you on the other side (of the weekend, not winter).

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