Incomplete fixes to broken paths in the map editor could cause the map to be destroyed.
BYOND Version:516.1655
Operating System:Hopes and Dreams
Web Browser:A moldy Pizza Box
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Resolved (516.1656)

This issue has been resolved.
Urhtang reported over discord, test case sent!

Long story short:
I'm refactoring some type paths, migrating /prop/chest and others to /prop/container/chest etc. The issue is that when I make that change, and then compile, using the undefined type error that appears, in order to then change the type path in the "Pending Map Errors" window, it wipes out my map in DM.

nukes the map file, leaving it as:
"a" = (/turf/black,/area)

(1,1,1) = {"
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Incomplete fixes to broken paths in the map editor could cause the map to be destroyed.

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