Radial and angular blur filters both support an offset argument now. This is effectively a pixel radius within which no blurring happens, and anything outside that radius acts like it's that many pixels closer to center (i.e. less blurred).
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (516.1655)

This issue has been resolved.
Adding in an offset argument to radial blurs to allow the blur to start after 'offset' pixels from the center point would be real nifty
To take this a step further, setting a negative size could blur the area within the radius and leave the area outside clear, and a positive size would work as it does now, affecting the area outside the radius, leaving the area within the radius clear.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Radial and angular blur filters both support an offset argument now. This is effectively a pixel radius within which no blurring happens, and anything outside that radius acts like it's that many pixels closer to center (i.e. less blurred).

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