Large Numbers

by ThanatosxD
A simple lib that accurately does math for larger and smaller numbers, with decimals or without, negative or positive, and never reaches infinity.
A simple lib that accurately does math for larger and smaller numbers, with decimals or without, negative or positive, and never reaches infinity.

Key Changes:
// use Int.Round(), Ceil(), Prob(), Floor() instead of built in BYOND functions.
var/Int/money = new(0)

money += 0.8
// money: 0.8

money += "0.7"
// money: 1.5

var/Int/rounded = result.Round()
// rounded: 2

var/Int/floored = result.Floor()
// floored: 1

// money: 1.5

money >= 0
// Result: 1

money -= "3"
// money: -1.5

money >= 0
// Result: 0