BYOND Version:516.1651
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

Laptops are configured by default to use the low power option.

100% of users I've been testing with thus far that use laptops have been completely unaware that their laptop is forcing them to use the crappy chipset whenever BYOND launches. Users have to create a config, but applications do have a way to mark themselves as not using Nvidia Optimus.

I believe that when a laptop kicks in and tries to switch GPUs that the user is using, it's causing the renderer to wig the fuck out, and BYOND just doesn't seem to work thenceforth until we help that user explicitly tell the system to use the dedicated GPU. forcing-machine-to-use-dedicated-graphics-card

I found these settings, which can flag an application to not use iGPUs and prefer the higher performance option. If BYOND basically doesn't run well on iGPUs anymore, can we look into telling the system to prefer the high performance option?
The exports listed in one of the answers to that question are actually already present.