Changes to client appearance (such as setting client.color) could cause the client to stop rendering the map until there was a noteworthy change to a mob. The server now makes sure to send the appropriate message to the client in these cases.
BYOND Version:515
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro
Web Browser:Chrome
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (516.1652)

This issue has been resolved.
Setting client.color can result in the client's map element freezing until another update is triggered my moving the camera or player.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Changes to client appearance (such as setting client.color) could cause the client to stop rendering the map until there was a noteworthy change to a mob. The server now makes sure to send the appropriate message to the client in these cases.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

I've encountered a problem where the view sending algorithm appears to be choking after altering a client's verbs.

Rendering completely freezes, and the client profiler is showing that there are no mapicon ticks happening. Render() is the only thing that runs thereafter.

The server keeps chugging happily.

Test case sent via DM.
praise be!

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