[ linky ]
And with that comes a fun little screen cap.

I showed you mine, now you show me yours. *snicker*
P.S: My friends and I have the best guild name, I dare you to do better.
Well show me your characters. Here's my current bucket o' fun!
[ linky ] And with that comes a fun little screen cap. ![]() I showed you mine, now you show me yours. *snicker* P.S: My friends and I have the best guild name, I dare you to do better. |
Rawr, me only character:
Ero I would play more, but since only my account has the expansion, the rest of my family are always on it -_- |
ewww demonology ftl
Destruction ftw. And yes, being a lock, u need to be on a pvp or rppvp server, u can eat peoples faces without trying =P |
http://armory.wow-europe.com/#character-sheet.xml?r=Sylvanas &n=Emasym
Seems like, at the moment, I do not have my offhand equiped. It's the Gladiator's one o.O; |
http://armory.wow-europe.com/#character-sheet.xml?r=Aerie+Pe ak&n=Guanyunchang
Feral dr00ds are fun! I can't wait for flight form! I'm pve too, part of me regrets it, but then I remember I can get pvp any time I like by going to battlegrounds and maybe some of the pvp specific objcetives in Outland. |
Yeah I'm on a PvE server because that was what my friends were playing when I picked the game up.
To counter that fact i've been running around flagged since level 30, the only real downside is that I can't usually throw the first hit. Demonology rocks for PvE, but everyone has their own flavor of gameplay. (I respec'd this guy like 7 times now being my first char) but I may wind up respec'ing again when I get into raiding... who knows. |
I'm on a PVP server and it was the biggest mistake I've ever made in the game. If half of the game means "getting 1-2 shot by people and corpse camped for a while afterward" then I'd gladly dump it. The only reasons why I haven't left the server was because two of my friends have characters there, and I don't want to have to level up all over again. |
lolz @ Mysame
Thanks for enforcing the Alliance stereotype of guys playing female night elves. XD Sarm, that's your personal skill if you're always getting killed and corpse camped. It's not that hard to kill some chump in full t2 while you have shitty gear. Did it all the time on my mage when he was 56! Anyway, I got some uber awesome screenshots. Scyntus Kallios /flex |
well demonology makes you live longer and gives you steady dps.
Affliction is good for raids because its very high damage, over long times so less chance of grabbing aggro but still dishing out insane damage. Destruction is very high damage like affliction, but in a much shorter time, very high burst damage, lots of high damage instant cast spells, making it great for pvp, and decent in pve and raids. it really all depends on your choice of play. |
and pvp sucked when u were low lvl, because it means you got ganked and camped.
however, once you get to the high lvls, pvp is soo much fun because you can go around ganking and camping other people! ask people on a pvp server Tarren Mill and Southshore practically switch faction owners every hour. Not to mention that STV one of the best questing areas, is the 2nd biggest gankfest in the game. |
Hillsbrad was the biggest pvp area before they added the battleground. Now it's all about STV. Also, it isn't that bad when you level up. I had a lot of fun ganking in STV while I was in my 30's.
SuperAntx wrote:
Sarm, that's your personal skill if you're always getting killed and corpse camped. It's not that hard to kill some chump in full t2 while you have shitty gear. Fine. Maybe I suck in PVP. Considering I've never, ever, ever, ever attacked an alliance member first, regardless of his level (nevermind corpse-camping others), it's more of a huge bother to me than anything else. I don't even fight back because I don't see the point in it. Edit: I do really enjoy the battlegrounds, though. But that's when I'm actually in the mood to PVP. |
Why don't you ever attack anyone? They have a pretty kickass pvp system. ou should take advantage of it sometime. ;)
I don't attack anyone because I know how annoying it is to get attacked by someone while trying to do a quest or something and I don't like sharing the aggravation. :(
It is annoying being on the receiving end, but it's just that much better if you can pwn the person that got the jump on you. And dude, it's just a game. If I see an alliance guy you can be damn sure I'm going to kill him. It takes all the fun out of it if he doesn't fight back though.
World pvp > BG's any day. |
Different strokes, I guess. I ran into an alliance player that accidentally aggroed an elite mob wandering around Arathi Highlands, so I kamikazed to save him. I COULD have killed him easily since he was 11 levels below me, and even though I died I had more fun playing the part of the unsuspected hero. :P
Well I don't see how world PvP can be better than Battlegrounds considering they require strategy and good teamwork, isnt that what PvP is all about? Not getting attacked while trying to finish a quest. :P
There's actaully a lot of surprisingly friendly high level alliance players (despite the undeniable truth that the higher level you become, the more of a prick you start to be :P) I've run into a few level 70's on my Orc that totally could have 1-hit me, but they didn't. :O |
World pvp is dynamic. You never know where or who you're going to fight next. It's spontaneous and it's a good way to test you skills...in an evenly matched fight that is. It's pretty easy to find a good opponent if you go questing in an area your own level.
Every now any then some friends and I take the tower in Westfall and kill everything there. It takes about 5 minutes for the 70 to fly in. No worrying about flags or points, it's just pure carnage. I don't know about having to be 70 to be a prick. Most of them are just born that way. |
What the hell is all that stuff?
Well I don't see how world PvP can be better than Battlegrounds considering they require strategy and good teamwork, isnt that what PvP is all about? Not getting attacked while trying to finish a quest. :P Actually, PVP isn't about strategy at all. Sure, strategy can be an element in any battle, but PVP is just about killing other players. It's not better or worse than the battlegrounds, it's just something else all together. |
http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#character-sheet.xml?r=Sto rmscale&n=Kallios
http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#character-sheet.xml?r=Sto rmscale&n=Scyntus
Those are my two main characters. I have 20 others that are 20-40 but I never play them.
Fuck the Alliance! For the Horde!