Empire Ages: New Lands

by BBDragoon
A sandbox game where you can craft your own kingdom/empire. Update 1.2 is out now (November 2024)
Classic Patch notes 1.2

- Updated the HUB to match new game direction.

- Replaced Captain (see below) and Soldier icon.
- Replaced the current UI with a placehold version.
- Replaced the flashing AFK sign, with a easy to read AFK text.

- Renamed Major to Captain.
- Renamed starting continents to; Draekal, Eredessa, Thal'raqar and Volmereth.

- Added 8 new races; Centaur - The Hyrden, Human - The Varaen, Lamia - The Syrrith, Mermaid- The Ondari, Orc - The Kragorn, Ogre - The Grollak, Mousekin - The Velaria and Pigmen - The Grun'Thar.
- Added a base for each playable race, for future customizing characters.

- Added nameplate to characters.
- Added the following animals; Ram, Kiten, Wolves, Bull, Swan, Red Panda, Tortoise.
- Added various new vehicles such as boats, ships and airballoons.

- Removed previous low quality assets to reduce game file size.
- Removed the old HUD elements, such as hunger and thirst bar.
- Removed the unstuck button, was able to be abused easily.

Developer footnote:
As seen in the roadmap, this wasn't original direction this patch was going to be. This is why I decided to split the patch into multiple parts. The bases will only be partly used for now. Customization will be added in a future patch, this requires adding hairstyles and clothing for each race. Trying to get 1.2 into a playable state so we can start hosting the game.