Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

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Would be very nice to be able to pass a list into animate()

I currently have the following for my character rig:
animate(body, time = world.tick_lag*5, transform = matrix(1*facing, 1, MATRIX_SCALE))
animate(left_arm, time = world.tick_lag*5, transform = matrix(1*facing, 1, MATRIX_SCALE))
animate(right_arm, time = world.tick_lag*5, transform = matrix(1*facing, 1, MATRIX_SCALE))

It would be fantastic to just pass in a list instead of repeating this call for everything. Even if it is just sugar and does the same thing internally.

animate(list(body, left_arm, right_arm), time = world.tick_lag*5, transform = matrix(1*facing, 1, MATRIX_SCALE))

I see this as running the exact same animation on everything in the list, in sequence. Literally the same as:
for(var/thing in list(thing1, thing2, thing3, ...))
animate(thing, blah blah blah)