I'm still behind on some server work, but... ugh. It's been hard enough spinning back up on software, and this is the first week I've mostly had good sleep in a while. Except this morning. Although at least it turns out one of the things I did handle is working after all when I thought it wasn't, at least partially, and that's better news than I thought. I'll get the remaining stuff done, because I have to, but for right now software is taking center stage.

That means this week we finally got a 515 maintenance release for the first time since the server move. The Linux build scripts still managed to throw me a curve ball that didn't come up in previous testing, but it got sorted out in the end. So far I'm not seeing reports of anything amiss with the Linux builds.

Wednesday I got a new alpha out for 516 as well, with its first Linux build, and once again had a bit of a surprise with that. But thankfully it didn't take too long to work out what was wrong there. Because of the spin-up I managed to screw up a bunch of stuff with 516's newest features, particularly with the documentation, so I'll probably push another alpha before we move into beta. But that really isn't going to be much longer.

Ideally I'd like to get 516 into beta before the end of the month. I don't want to do that before I clear the decks of server issues, so I can focus entirely on beta bug reports. So if the beta isn't out before Halloween, it won't be much longer. And when it does hit beta, you're going to find it's a lot farther along than most betas are, so I honestly wouldn't be shocked to move 516 to the stable channel before Christmas.

I'm grateful to all the BYOND Members and regular subscribers who keep things going here. I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of this server project, and it's a relief to know you guys have my back.

Halloween is coming! Get your costume ready. Mine will either be guy who stress-ate too many donuts, or the ghost of the entertainment industry. (The last one is pretty easy because you just get a movie poster frame with nothing in it.) Mak gam!