Fildena Professional has two significant impacts on the Body, and most ED pills have similar effects. Fildena Professional only works faster and has these effects for a long time.

As Fildena Professional is a PDE5 inhibitor, it will block the relaxing enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5, which is the reason you can’t hold the erection for a long time. As PDE5 gets blocked from reaching the penis, the patient will not lose the election quickly.

The other effect Fildena Professional has is on the blood circulation system. Sildenafil, in this drug, improves the blood flow throughout the body, especially in the genital region. With enough blood flow, the penis remains erect for a long time because it is getting enough blood supply to function correctly.

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Erectilenovus wrote:
As PDE5 gets blocked from reaching the penis, the patient will not lose the election quickly.

Might as well close the subforum down, both of my developer problems are as good as solved.

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